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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. great news, and yes, i can launch update with arguments at that time, it would be during preload for the uninstaller however, because update.exe is deleted during uninstallation.
  2. >>Bump<< Alpha 3 released, and screenshots posted. Most major bugs have been fixed, now I just need to fine tune the uninstaller and slipstream the update. I have successfully integrated a silent update into the installer, but have not included it in this release as I need to do more testing. I was also able to create a mock installer that only runs the updater (silently) so the file download size is much smaller, however this introduced a bug when uninstalling. Any files downloaded by update.exe that are not included in the installer itself are not deleted upon uninstallation. So basically the uninstaller only removed the program from add/remove programs entry, but left the install directory and all files inside, because the uninstaller did not view them as part of the original install package. This also unfortunately means that any files added (not modified) by update.exe over time will not be uninstalled when using the uninstaller. I am currently working to fix this. If anyone know how to code into a batch file to delete itself after executing, that would be appreciated. @Droidz, if you will read over the EULA and see if there is anything you would like to specifically add or remove, I am no lawyer and all I did was google 'generic software eula' then replaced %ProgramName% with WRobot and %CompanyName% with MMORobot. I did however add a section on Blizzard Entertainment just to blanket you since this is a bot. @Creative, do you have any feedback to the installer I built for you? I was wondering how my DX9 checks worked out. @other testers, has anyone else tried this, I find it to be a very nice package :D
  3. same here, Im mostly using fishing and trying to work on the archy database while focusing on my installer though.
  4. Droidz, I have somewhat of an idea on how to do this, I need to check if i can add arguments or switches from within the installer, Im not finding a way to do that right now, but what I can do is create a simple bat, using And running it as installsilent.cmd. The /b will run it without a window I have 1 question and 1 possible issue with doing this, 1st question is after running that screen I have no way of knowing when the 'update' or 'download' that update.exe is doing finishes. so I dont know when to move to the next screen. because the cmd im making finishes executing after it runs update.exe, what I need to figure out is how to tell when update.exe finishes before I continue to the update success screen in my installer. This may or may not work out. I guess I just need to test it. Otherwise I just need a graphic for the vertical banner, and for the most part my installer is done :)
  5. Ill start working on this after the weekend, as I posted last week, the weekends are very hectic for me, I do plan to have most alpha bugs fixed before monday however. >>Bumped released Alpha 2b added updates released today, see changelog.
  6. just found a bug in the internet connection validation if the validation legitimately fails, Im pointing the script to the wrong page, its not a problem in the script thank god. ill get this fixed for a "a2.1" release with some typo corrections as well later on.
  7. the dependency module for dx9 states it is not compatible with windows 8 as it is build on dx11, i understand that the runtimes may still be required if a game is built on dx9, but im not sure the bootstrapper with launch. I may need you specifically to test this for me, as I dont use windows 8 (really dont like it)
  8. yea thats what mine shows, i googled it via invision power board, and it looks like its a ban system. admin's and mod's can issue points that lead to suspensions and such.
  9. I noticed that my profile now displays 0 warning points, and when you click on them it leads to http://wrobot.eu/index.php?app=members&module=profile&section=warnings&member=3&from_app=members what exactly is this, from what I can tell I am the only user that shows this.
  10. This is causing me some problems with uninstall options because the uninstaller built from my compiler only deletes the files included within it, so any files added by running update.exe remain along with the folder tree. I tried addressing this by using a folder.deletetree(%ProgramFilesFolder%/%AppFolder%) type command, but it doest seem to work. I then thought about creating a basic batch file that would delete the directory, manually and call the batch file from the uninstaller, then delete the batch when the uninstaller closes or on reboot, but there must be a cleaner way to get this done. If a silent switch is added to update.exe install/update, I can easily add a page that checks for internet connectivity, then runs the file on a "checking for updates" page depending on the return of the internet connectivity check. I think I got the directory shortcut added correctly, but giving the user the option whether to add these shortcuts or not is causing some issues, but Im working on ti.
  11. awesome point, Adding a dx9 check to my installer most likely.
  12. fantastic, just let me know which switches to use, Ill get some more work done on this today. And by option to the folder, do you mean the directory itself, or just the option to add desktop shortcuts.
  13. I did notice while working with my installer and when writing my install tutorial, that if you run update.exe as admin when you are installing for the first time, It does not download all of the files.. But yea im not sure whats going on with avast,
  14. yea he got it running tonight, with no av installed, seems like it was just avast. I had norton up the whole time ive been working, no flags, all runs fine.
  15. I know that Droidz has already gone over this, but i thought I would provide something a bit more detailed. I am also leaving my custom installer out of this how to until it is finalized, if you would like to try that out, you can do so At the time of writing the latest version is Beta 5, should anything change in the future I will update my thread. Also sorry for my changing desktop backgrounds, my theme changes every 3min, I meant to disable it. Im sure AezploW will appreciate it though lol. 1. Download all needed files, VB .NET 4.5, C++ 2012U1 x86, and WRobot.zip -http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653 - VB.Net 4.5 -http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679 - C++ - - WRobot 1a. Also download and install winrar or another extraction utility if you like, I use winrar in my examples. It can be downloaded from here. 2. Install both .Net Framework and C++ before extracting WRobot.zip 3. Move your WRobot.zip file to where you would like to run the Bot from, in my example I am using C:\Users\Kitty\Documents\WoW\ 4. "Extract here" WRobot.zip, you should now have your bot directory containing 4 files. 5. Double click on Update.exe to start the installation. You will see 3 new folders download (circled in red) in a few seconds. 6. Click on the Install or Update button from within the update.exe file. 6a. You can now see your bot had downloaded all of the needed files to run to its directory we set in step 4. While the amount of files updated may differ from what I saw at the time of this writing, you want to verify that you see the words "Update Finished" You can now close the updater. 7. Update your bot by opening the update.exe file one more time, and repeating step 6 by clicking Install or Update again. While this step is optional, its a good idea just to make sure everything is current. you should only see 3 steps in the updater, 1 - Check files at updating, 2 - 0 file(s) at updating, and 3 - Update finish. Congratulations, your bot is now installed and up to date. Remember to run the updater from time to time to make sure you are using the latest version. Now lets configure the bot to login. 8. Open wow in 32bit mode (This is required for the bot to operate) You can create a shortcut to the direct file if you like, I will add a reply comment with instructions for using WoW in 32bit mode. At the time of writing and to my knowledge WRobot will run on DX9 or DX11, Droidz please correct me if I am wrong. 9. Open WRobot.exe after WoW is running. You can see your wow process followed by your logged in character name, if you don't see these, please make sure you have your character logged in game. 10. Under the key field you must enter your license key, WRobot is not free software and requires your subscription, you can buy you subscription from Your license key can be found under the 'My Purchases' link of our website here. Next to the key field is a check box for 'save'. Your going to want to check this other wise you will need to past your key in every time you run the bot. 11. Click on launch bot, and your up and running. Enjoy :D
  16. While trying to help our user gexzilla get his bot setup, I noticed that his antivirus software was preventing many of the files from being run. I ended up doing a remote access session with teamviewer to work on his computer. I started with my installer to make sure .net and C++ were up to date (I knew that was a good idea lol) but it turns out they were, he had everything setup right. When my installer tried to extract the setup files into the directory, it would freeze up and give privilege related, and path or file not found errors. While I did do testing on my own pc, he did use a version of my installer earlier than alpha 0 which is released here. Anyhow after just downloading the zip from wrobot.eu and extracting and running update.exe I found out what his problem was, or at least part of it. His AV (Avast) was quarantining files from the updater (both from my installer and the official zip) so that was causing the path or file not found errors. After disabling his AV for 15 minutes I could use my installer and extract all the files ok, but when I clicked install/update on the update.exe an error occured (should have taken ss, dumbass me) that it could not access t.zip or something like that. In short the updater was not being allowed access to the internet to get the files. (I think) I checked for a firewall and completely uninstalled avast, and ran everything again, worked perfectly. Downloaded updated files and all. However when you tried to run WRobot.exe the computer would crash. corrupt file download maybe? Im lost.. Any help is appreciated.
  17. While there is not much of a community for it right now, I would also be willing to rebuild the installer for Champions Online CRobot after I have WRobot's installer finalized.
  18. --------------------- Screen Shots --------------------- Alpha 3 Note the Icon in my taskbar to the right of curse/folder that is the setup icon. Gallery of Images. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l5cf6zoqxfdf2wr/BfXXMEl41M
  19. --------------- Change log --------------- 12-27-12 Alpha 0 Released -See OP for BuildLog, Changes will obviously be posted here. -I hope to have alpha 1 out by Monday, but my weekend is very busy, and Raid intensive in game. 12-30-12 Alpha 1 Released (needs a few fixes, ran short of time) -Added pre-load files to bot extraction to prevent update.exe from accidentally not loading these files -Added check for previous version and uninstalls silently, this will help with testing newer builds -Created Custom banner for installer supporting WRobot and MMORobot -Created generic EULA (Droidz feel free to change, modify, or use this entirely) -Allowed changing the install Directory -[WIP]Built shortcut support to start menu, and desktop (needs work, most broke and directory does not work) -Changed how Update.exe is launched when installer completes (but also broke) -Needed to prep in game for a Raid, so Hopefully Ill get an update out again later tonight. Check back soon :D 12-31-12 Alpha 1a Released -Tweaked Uninstaller (still having issues deleting the foldertree, this causes uninstall previous version to not work quite right) -Changed the way shortcuts are created but still having scripting issues -Forced start menu shortcuts to Update and WRobot because selection screen is not working -Fixed update.exe being launched after installer closes. 1-3-13 Alpha 2 Released -Rebased the installer with all current WRobot system files, fixed uninstall bugs and updating errors by doing so (still working on uninstall on upgrade) -Changed the way shortcuts are handled (again) and they broke (again) [not working right now] -Changed Install progress screen due to adding more base files -added internet connectivity check to http://download.wrobot.eu (to be sure download server is online) -added internet confirmation place holder page (will eventually run update.exe /s here) -added no internet connectivity page and directed all errors to it warning wrobot may not fucntion properly without the latest updates. 1-4-13 Alpha 2a Released -FIXED SHORTCUTS (YAY!!!!) (just need to edit some text and where things are placed. -Fixed Misc typos and removed extra text where not needed -Fine tuned Install Progress screen -Fixed internet connectivity error (still need to update the setup screens) -(Silent updates are not yet integrated, this feature will be added in Beta) -Special Thanks to Droidz for adding the silent install switch. 1-4-13 Alpha 2b Released -Rebased with new updater -Integrated 1-4-12 update to add login error information. 1-9-13 Alpha 3 Released -Rebased to include Beta 6 files -Added new vertical logo to opening and closing screens (let me know what you guys think of this, Its not an original image, and I am open to other suggestions) -Completed all Internet connection check screens and modified to also check mmorobot download servers to be online. -Corrected some text typos and grammer -Completed shortcuts screen and fixed bug when trying to add shortcut to wrobot and update to the same location -Added Setup Icon themed for WRobot (this is not the icon of setup.exe, but the Icon that shows up in Win7+ in your taskbar while installing.) -Ok Changed the Icon for WRobotSetup-a3.exe as well :P 1-16-13 Beta 1 Released -Rebased to include Beta 7 files -Removed all Alpha and testing related notes -Included silent update check -Completed uninstall support 1-22-13 Beta 2 Released -Rebased to include Beta 7 Hotfixes -Rebased with new update.exe -Changed silent update to include Packages *Fixed alot of bugs with the bot itself* -Fixed another typo in dynamic update screen -Fixed last bug in uninstaller. All paths and start menu locations are now removed. 1-24-13 Beta 3 Released -Rebased to include Beta 8 changes -Updated 'update.exe' -Revised and Recompiled to support .net 4 -Automatically uses Trial key. 1-29-13 Final r100 Released -Quick bugfix relating to update.exe -Removed check for .net 4.0 Framework -Updated to check only for .net 4.0 Client Profiles -Added initial support for wowx86 shortcut 1-29-13 Final r101 Released -Removed trial key file (will be included in next update to wrobot) -Added check for C++2010x86 2-03-13 Final r102 Released -Recommeded to Reinstall because of the change to C++ -Updated bot to beta9 (Lots of changes, see change log) -Removed check for C++2012x86 -Updated check for C++2010x86 to SP1 2-09-13 Final r103 Released -Added Beta 9 Hotfixes. 2-23-13 Final r104 Released -Changed the installer to simply repackage the zip file and run the updater silently. The installer no longer repackages the entire bot itself as I have changed the uninstaller to delete folder trees, So now the installer will just run the update.exe. The installers file size was greatly reduced because of this, but the live update now takes longer, and is needed. I still need to rewrite the internet connectivity pages, but the installer is functional as of now. Please report any bugs or errors you come across. A final note is Symantec is now flagging the installer as SONAR.Heuristic. Just another false positive, SONAR.Heuristic is a heuristic detection for processes based on certain attributes. Meaning since this installer downloads other files from the internet, it can cause a threat in the future. I will contact Symantec to try to fix this. http://goo.gl/iovJC cites the Symantec false positive. 2-25-13 AV Update -Symantec has responded, and will be removing the installer as a detection with their next live update to virus definitions. Still waiting on Anty to reply back. 3-2-13 Final r105 Released -Fixed typos and changed internet connection check screens to reflect (in text) how the installer operates now. This was entirely a cosmetic update, nothing involving how the bot or installer works has been changed. It also seems Symantec has updated their definitions to exclude the installer as a threat as they promised, Thanks Norton :) Wish Anty was this good with responding to my emails :( I sent them the source twice already... 3-20-13 Final r106 Released -Updated installer to reflect wrobot's current internal version number [cosmetic change] -Updated all refrences to twizt3dkitty to reflect Shadow, and corrected link to this thread on installers opening screen. -Credited twizt3dkitty for origional work and design of the installer in the license agreement. 3-24-13 Final r107 Released -Removed check for c++ runtime to add windows 8 compatibility as using 2010 aparently broke this. I am looking into a way to check OS version and run 2010 sp1 if OS <= win7 and run 2012 is OS = Win8. For now it only checks for .net 4.0 client profile, as per Droidz post at the dll should be included in the bot, please report any errors in this thread. 4-3-13 Final r108 Released -Added check for C++ runtimes again, should only install c++ 2012 U1 if Windows 8 is detected, and install c++2010 SP1 if Windows 7 or lower detected. --Dialogs are messy right now, but setup will install perfectly fine so long as you read and click cancel when you are instructed to and not ok. --One bug introduced by this, setup will attempt to install c++2010 on Windows 8 and alert user that it cannot be installed, this is normal and fine, I am still looking for a way to do this silently. -Changed internal version number to match WRobot 1.0.4
  20. Welcome to the WRobot Installer by Twizt3dkitty thread. Please reply with any bug reports or suggestions. If necessary PM me as well. I will update this post with progress when necessary. I would like to say to all new users that this installer is fully functional in its current state. The releases tagged rxxx are simplily hotfixes to include new updates to wrobot, however the update script at the end will download these files anyhow, so to new users, once you install this, you do not have to reinstall new updates of my installer, you can simply run the updater. I will continue to update my installer to support new versions of WRobot for new users however. -Kitty ------------------------------ Shadow's continuation ------------------------------ I'd like to thank Kitty at this time for all his (yes he was a guy lol) work on the installer and showing me the ropes and helping me with the compiler and programing to continue maintaining this installer for us all. Im going to just continue this thread since he started it, and do my best to update as needed. He set it up so it pretty much updates itself, but I should be able to do minor updates when needed. ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- My installer extracts all WRobot files to C:\Program Files X86\WRobot\ or wherever you tell it too, then creates a desktop shortcut to WRobot.exe, and adds WRobot/Update and WRobot/WRobot to your start menu programs. It will also add WRobot to your Add/Remove programs in control panel, and has a built in uninstaller. (which will delete all traces of the program and files/directories associated with it.) After extracting all of these files to their new homes on the host computer, the installer will silently run update.exe to check for newer files from the time of my compile, and also updates the base package. This step is only done if the installer can access the internet and our download servers are online. ------------------------------------------------- ____________ -Checks that .Net Framework 4 Client Profiles are installed. -Installs .Net Framework 4.0 Client Profiles if necessary. -Installs WRobot and updates it. __________ Things to Do -add readme.htm (providing changelog and additional instructions) -add check to dx9 relating to win8** **I added the check for DX9 and a slip-streamed install for it, however I have no real way to test whether this is working or not, as DX is not something that can be uninstalled from Windows. Should the files be missing or out of date the installer should install them for you. Droidz also included some fixes to the bot code in Alpha6 that should correct this problem, so at this point the check in the installer is more of a precaution. ***Windows 8 is where the only potential problem comes up because of known issues with DX9 conflicting with the operating system itself, as win8 requires dx11. (cited goo.gl/H7ntG). The dependency script has been updated to include Windows 8 support, but back to the origional statement, Windows8 does not always play nicely with dx9, please respond with any errors you come across. ____ Ideas -Bot is complete feel free to post suggestions. I am aware that virustotal is flagging this, It is a false posotive caused from using Setup Factory. When I have a final release I will submit the file to whoever is flagging it for removal, but cannot say that any updates thereafter would not be flagged again. https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/330775dc7b4d926434167842367f199071a130e6b9ebfecf3d93016e02f1c949/analysis/1362255257/ http://www.indigorose.com/forums/threads/33892-Setup-Factory-9-has-malware-and-trojans-can-t-believe-it explains the false positives. Antiy-AVL Trojan/Win32.Genome.gen 20130116 ===Virustotal Update=== I have submitted the file and its source to Antiy-AVL, they responded stating they would review the installer, then have not returned my emails. I am still trying to contact them. =================== ---------------------------------------------- Download -Current Release r108 ---------------------------------------------- https://www.dropbox.com/s/e50is51whrpyj29/Shadows_WRobot_Setup.exe
  21. Invited with the permission of Droidz (Hi Gex!)
  22. I suppose, I was indicating sharing a subscription as more of a negative or bad thing however. I dont like to give away things I pay for, then again, sharing is caring... -Edit- Im locking this topic as this was not really a bug in the first place. No further discussion is really needed.
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