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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. do you have autoloot enabled in game?
  2. coupon is still working as of 2:07am 3.4.13, was advertised to stop at 11:59 3.3.13, looks like sale was extended, grab your quickly, ill post again, when the links stop working. ***Edit*** Looks like main sale is over, but the boxed version of the CE is still showing 69.99, thats 10bucks off for those interested in the full retail box.
  3. im honestly not sure when it decides to sell repair, but yes it sells what its forced to.
  4. Hes registered here, pm him Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  5. no, we added support for windows xp a few patches back by recompiling to support .net 4.0, Is he installing using the zip or my installer. we dont have many xp users so testing was limited, but i did not believe we had any other problems. My first suggestion is to have him run my installer, as it will scan his computer to make sure all runtimes are installed and up to date. If you get to the welcome screen.... stop there, before continuing, run windows update and make sure ALL updates are installed to windows and restart the computer. Then restart my installer. linked- im pretty posotive this has something to do with vb or c++
  6. this may be a bit more complex and take more time than other profiles, as any sort of (healing/resto/whatever) profile needs to be written in vb, and most of us are not as good as others with vb coding. I know googlebee maintains a bear pqr profile, so I would assume he has some programming experience. Perhaps you could ask him, I think we may start another contest for Resto Profiles, need to talk it over with other mods.
  7. several addons do this, I also use ark however, but you can search curse for alternatives, http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/trashit (which is actually called lootbuddy now) is a great 'trash or junk filter' This feature will most likely NOT be implemented into the bot natively, because addons do it easily.
  8. in the extremely rare event that you are trying to update while the actual files are still being uploaded to our webserver, this error will occur. as it is trying to download a file that is changing. The only way to fix this is to restart the update after the file has finished uploading to our server. This update just went live today btw. I am also updating my installer now to fix the last graphic changes and such, but If you didnt reinstall from the last update i pushed to my installer, I do recommend you do so. I completely restructed the installer to simply repackage the zip file rather than the entire bot. So unless the files inside the official zip are updated, I have no need to update the installer, as my installer will always run update.exe now and download whatever is current (also fixing said package problem)
  9. Topic says it all the collector's edition is on sale for 39.99 right now http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832127014&nm_mc=EMC-EXPRESS030213&cm_mmc=EMC-EXPRESS030213-_-EMC-030213-Index-_-PCGames-_-32127014-L08C 49.99 EMCYTZT3023 <- coupon addition $10 off Just posting this for anyone interested in, saves 20$ off the digital deluxe edition, and includes the boxed additions and all that good shit.
  10. this promotion is now over, grats to anyone that took advantage of it, thread closed for now.
  11. please upload your entire log. I cannot tell from this snippit what is happening. Also please link to your profile so we can take a look at how it operates. Lastly I am moving this from general to help and support.
  12. ive seen this flying issue you are describing, Unfortunately the way the bot logs cannot be changed by the user. Usually the logs are helpful to mods and devs to solve most problems. Back to the issue described, at this time we cannot find the cause, it will be looked into further. Archy can also interfere with how autosolve works as it changes the blizz ui, we will look at working with this addon in the future, but cannot give a definitive yes or no as to implementing support or when it will be implemented.
  13. please post a log of when the bot is in this area, also please check my tutorial here as to adding digsites if the bot cannot find any.
  14. I have 3 subscriptions on my account, I just always use the top one on one account, and the bottom one on my second account. Never had a problem. both accounts are on the same battlenet so WoW1 will get wrobot key 1 and WoW2 will get wrobot key 2
  15. I had a problem back in beta where i would amass 200 fragments sooner than the bot would attempt to autosolve, I lowered the time to make up for this, I believe this time has been lowered since private betas, I ask that you watch the bot for a solid half hour or so, and see when exactly you get 200 fragments, and when the bot is autosolving. Adjust your times accordingly. If the bot is going through the tabs, either you dont have enough fragments, or there is a problem when the bot trys to autosolve. Try to also post a log of when the bot does its autosolve. Also please keep in mind that the bot does not use the sigils or whatever theyre called correctly at this time.
  16. This was suggested on the tracker a while ago, its a feature coming eventually, hopefully soon :p Im also moving this as it is not a reequest for a profile. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  17. I personally dont use fishing profiles, I just fish in place in hidden areas in order to not be scene. I did make a profile back in beta that I never released that ran up and down the river in four winds near galleon's spawn point. All you need to do is run your toon along the outline, the problem is, when the bot found a pool, it couldnt always reach it without my help, IE standing on a specific rock, or using water walking, so i ended up not using it again. GL with your mount thing though, be sure to keep us posted.
  18. to add onto what droidz said, changing the directx verison of the client requires the client to be restarted entirely, not just the ui reloaded. I can confirm that I have used both dx9 and dx11 successfully with wrobot, I usually stick to dx9 for compatibility to other bots or programs however.
  19. My fish bot works no problem, I would go ahead and reinstall, also I dont personally have any of those mounts to choose from, But I can say that the ashs look alike (name escapes me, but its purpleish, and a guild vender mount) does not dismount me.
  20. just to be posotive, you have flying unlocked across all zones yes? Also make sure the spelling on your fire hawk is correct and case sensitive. also try a different mount, the error is absolutely coming from your mount, the bot is not able to fly for some reason. Let us know what happens when you try a new mount or verify spelling. I personally use an Armored Blue Wind Rider.
  21. I think you need to reinstall the base package, inside of c:\users\mike\desktop\wrobot you will find update.exe, run this and after a few seconds you will see the updater, select package manager, and reinstall/update the base package by admin. If this does not work please try to reinstall the bot, or use the installer, It seems not all of the files have been downloaded correctly per your log : Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\WRobot\Settings\lang.txt'. Please delete your entire wrobot folder and redownload the zip file, from there Select package manager, and update/reinstall, then select update the bot. Finish and run wrobot. You may also run the installer i wrote it automates the installation process. I will be rewriting the install tutorial very shortly.
  22. Reposting for Loki @Nicki Anonomyous He is offering to test your rogue profile and provide feedback if you wish to unblock him.
  23. Hello Playingnaked, and ty for your review, WOuld you be so kind as to upload a log when the bot does any of these tasks you are describing, so we can take a look at the debug menu as to what is actually going wrong.
  24. @Loki, not sure what your referring to, but your account has no restrictions that I can see.
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