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Everything posted by Stelgar

  1. Hi Droidz It's possible to have wrobot for private server 7.3.5 (25996) I try the retail version but dont' work
  2. Thx Droidz :)
  3. Hi all i need to active to use traveler's tundra to sell and repair, when my character are 20, someone know the code to do it? Really thx
  4. Hi all I have 2 question for you :) 1) I can set wrobot to kill mob only ranged, because in my server to complete a quest you need to stay in a particular place, then i need to kill a boss but don't move, i can do it? 2) I crea a quester profile for a World Quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=42211/leodraths-kin, but Wrobot does not recognize the completed step of this quest, than interact forever with construct or kill forever the boss, i don't know why
  5. Hi all i need to create a quest to speach with npc, summon a Boss and kill it, i try to use 2 different type (interactwithNPC after that killandloot) but my char speack forever wit npc and don't kill the mob, you have some idea?
  6. I need to know if i can setup wrobot di dimsount before take taxi, because in my server i can't take flight if i'm on my mount Rellay tnx
  7. Hi guys i try to use wrobot for 7.1.5 (23360), when i start the bot, my fps go down to 3, i change directx from 11 to 9, set graphic to low, but nothing, i don't know the problem
  8. Hi guys yesterday I try this plugin with a Warmane MoP private server and don't work The problem it's the party, because when you enter in a dungeon, the game create an Instance party not a normal party, then when you use /p to give command, you recive "you are not in a party"
  9. I use your example for force the bot to use flightmaster, it take and fly correct, but the taxi database it's always empty, when i return home i try to active the bot near flightmaste, but i think i alredy do it some time
  10. Hi all my Taxi database is empty, Can I add some Flighmaster manually?
  11. Hi guys i need to setup quester to do this quest "Druid of the Claw". I need to kill a mob, after that use item on the corp, i sutup a UseItemOn, and set the position near the npc, i take agro and kill, but my character don't use the item, you know how to setup? Thx alot
  12. Hi guys I have two little problem, with quester 1- I setup a normal kill and loot quest, the character go in the correct zone, and start to attack the specific mob, but if the quest mob it's over or near other npc, wrobot don't kill first that mob, but walk to attack directly the quest mob and take agro of all 2- Sometime my shaman cast the first lightining bolt, immediatly after that change target and start to attack another mob
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