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Everything posted by Ohren

  1. Ohren

    Installer Windows 8

    Chose to try running it anyways, worked fine until... 15:06:38 - Update has finished. 15:06:38 - error: System.Net.WebException: An exception occurred during a WebClient request. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WRobot\WRobot.exe' is denied. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName) at UpdateManager.UpdateManager.DownloadThread() 15:06:37 - Add file: WRobot.exe 15:06:37 - 1 file(s) need to be updated 15:06:37 - Check for updated files.
  2. :) Either way, the proper knowledge was given, so this post is a great success. :)
  3. You can use Target Buff and Buff Stack Target for buffs AND debuffs.
  4. I believe you can add this feature into the gathering profile just like a normal vendor, only problem is, there isn't exactly a ton of profession trainers around.
  5. Hi katlynn and welcome to the forums! I'm currently working with a new computer, but once I get everything sorted out here, I'll put a tutorial on macros up for you.
  6. Ohren

    Installer Windows 8

    Visual C++ 2010 SP1 runtime cannot be installed due to the following requirements: -The VisualC++ 2010 SP1 runtime cannot be installed on this operating system. Requires Windows 7, blahblahblah
  7. I believe the condition is just Health (my computer is still broken so I can't load WoW to check), but it still stands for percentage of health anyways
  8. It took them around 24 hours to be completely done. They ended up burying the cable from the last pole instead of putting a brand new one up, which I'm quite glad about. I still can't do much on this computer though. >.< Raiding started last night too. I might have to just buy a new computer, this one seems screwed.
  9. Well, on Monday my internet crashed hard.. well, by crashed I mean my wife hit the pole with my truck and knocked it down...Don't worry, that got fixed on Tuesday... On Tuesday, my computer decided to poo on me as I was loading it up to hopefully enjoy some 5.2... as it sits, I have not been on WoW in like 5 days... :( Currently posting here in safe mode with networking enabled, trying to get my computer fixed so I can be active again!! :P
  10. Currently, all it does is remove "junk" from logs and show you stuck/outside of view nodes, but I am working on it in my free time to do much more. I'm scheduled to work almost 70 hours/wk for the month of March, so I doubt progress will be quick. Edit: Working on adding MySQL storage for logs on my personal profiles so I am removing it as a public feature. Once I get my computer fixed, I will be willing to blacklist your profiles for you with it though, free of charge of course.
  11. .... Just load up the shaman profile you're using in the flight class creator, add the heal spell with a high priority (I usually do 150 for self heals), then add the condition Health => Smaller => Value Where Value is at you would change it to the percent you will need to be under before casting.
  12. Our community is too small to have people fighting! Let's all just get along and destroy stuff as a team!
  13. YES I KNOW IT'S A LOT OF READING Sooo, I happen to be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to stuff other people will be using. I test all my profiles (and fight classes, but that's not what my idea is towards, simple comments like "Zomg, ur AOES sucks lul" in the comments works fine). The only issue with this is that it involves... HOURS of blacklisting to make a GREAT profile (unless it's something simple like farming turtles). My original solution was to sit and watch my new profiles run for as long as I could tolerate it. This method has it's perks and it's bound to give you the best results, no matter how darn annoying it is to see "[Normal] 04:00 - Node stuck" every time you fly by an underground node (yes, until you blacklist that thing as if it insulted your mother). My biggest issue I found using this method was the fact that I have almost 70 profiles right now that have completed paths, but I just don't have time to finish blacklisting them so their title's will include [iNCOMPLETE BL] for the rest of my time on earth (or until I accidentally deleted them). Since my original solution just isn't working out that great, this last week, I have been running profiles on a slave account that were never really tested much, then just checking out the logs. I've read through thousands and thousands of lines of logs so far today, and spent almost 2 hours blacklisting those profiles. This worked great, I got more done tonight than I have been able to in a while, but I'm still not happy with that, we don't bot so we can read logs for hours a night just to fix a profile that tiny little bit. We bot because repetitive tasks are meant to be automated... And then it clicked, I need a way to automate scanning of logs. So I started programming it. I've started with just removing combat details and successful farms. Right now I'm working on having it not only show all the stuck nodes, but the amount of times they occurred in the log, AND a copy and paste XML format snippet to blacklist the ones of your choice. Oh, or you can skip that long (and possibly annoying?) rant and just read this summary... I've began making a bot to make my botting easier :). I will eventually release it to all of you, but I must continue getting rid of some of the kinks in it.
  14. I was having some major issues with this profile... I farm on druids with herbalism and mining, so I figured I'd turn off gathering of herbs, bam, almost 3 hours without a single issue. EXCELLENT profile. :) Thank you so much! Also, my new L90 druid (guardian) only has 380 iLvl and can handle stacks of those mobs with no issues.
  15. Yes, casting outside of combat is nice for lots of things, including druid forms. I've just been using my rogue as combat so stealth isn't really needed, but if I ran sub/ass, I'd definitely be needing this. :)
  16. Is the dismounting only happening in Wintergrasp?
  17. Well, would Unit Attack Player Near also trigger if I'm DPSing and tank has agro like (s)he should?
  18. Alright, in my arms profile, I have Sweeping Strike set as Hostile Unit Near -Number: 1 -Radius: 8 -Type: Bigger For some reason this is going off on single target fights. Is the Bigger type actually bigger than or equal (or ">=" as the mathematical operator)?
  19. I bought my second subscription this week, and now I keep accidentally using one that is already in use. Any way to remove product keys that are in use already from the menu? I plan on subbing more accounts in the near future (whenever I get my druids up a bit) and think this will turn into quite the hassle for me.
  20. Ohren

    [FIGHT CLASS] Rage

    Working excellent!
  21. Does exactly what it should. :) I farmed 6 eggs in about 5 minutes with 0 stucks. Turns out I was already pretty close to exalted, those 6 eggs and a daily dinged me there. :) Thank you very much.
  22. Just downloaded it. Will be giving it a run in about 5 minutes. :) Thank you.
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