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Everything posted by Ohren

  1. [N] 15:57:10 - Long Move distance: 4679.324 [D] 15:57:59 - Digsite zone found: Name: East Sra'vess Digsite - Distance =5632.064 [D] 15:57:59 - Digsite zone found: Name: Torjari Pit Digsite - Distance =3431.049 [D] 15:58:12 - Avoid wall: StrafeRight [D] 15:58:14 - Avoid wall: StrafeRight [D] 15:58:24 - Avoid wall: StrafeLeft [D] 15:58:25 - Avoid wall: StrafeRight [D] 15:58:27 - Avoid wall: StrafeLeft [D] 15:58:28 - Avoid wall: StrafeRight [D] 15:58:34 - Avoid wall: StrafeLeft [D] 15:58:35 - Avoid wall: StrafeRight 15:58:43 - Stop Archaeologist Complete [D] 15:58:45 - Avoid wall: StrafeRight [D] 15:58:46 - Avoid wall: StrafeRight [D] 15:58:49 - Avoid wall: StrafeRight [D] 15:58:52 - Avoid wall: StrafeLeft Just constantly runs into the wall
  2. In the options menu, select Is Buff -> True. Then do a condition in your spell for Buff -> Power Word: Fortitude = False I also add a timer for 3000 to make sure it doesn't double cast
  3. I've tried having 2 classes for specs before, and it didn't work out well. I'll play around with options tonight if I get time. Thank you for your activity on the forum, I'd like to see the community grow again, so I definitely try catering to requests here
  4. 1.) No need to apologize for your English, it's better than a lot of people who speak it as a primary language. 2.) I'll add something in settings to change it later on.
  5. My Blood DK fightclass works for WoD perfectly fine. As I said above, change health percent condition on Death Strike if you want it for grinder.
  6. This fight class is set up for survival. It uses Death Strike as healing. Blood Boil is set up to fire with Crimson Scourge. I've had no issues with it. So try the fight class with your health below 90% and see if it triggers death strike. And then see if it uses Crimson Scourge procs. Or, if you are using it as a grinder profile, I suggest opening it up in fight class editor, and changing the health percent condition on death strike to Health => Smaller => 101 Edit: I used it for SoO Mythical last night, worked great on first half of the raid as an off tank.
  7. Working on the new Destruction Warlock fight class, I only wanted Conflagrate to fire if you had 2 charges saved up. Which got me doing some research, after about 15 minutes of finding work arounds, I found a much more simple way. currentCharges, maxCharges, cooldownStart, cooldownDuration = GetSpellCharges(spellId or "Conflagrate") Works perfect, currently haven't ran into any other times I'd want to use this, but it will definitely come in handy again.
  8. Uploaded, hope you enjoy Seph! Let me know if anything needs tweaking.
  9. Oh no! We can't have that! I'll do Shadow Priest tonight after work just for you! Look for it to pop up after my raid (10PM eastern at the latest)!
  10. I started it inside of a dig site, and the issue hasn't came up since, if it does, I will get the full log.
  11. 13:06:22 - Initialize WRotation Complete 13:06:23 - Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds) 13:06:23 - Initialize SpellBook Finished (590 spell found) 13:06:23 - Please wait, loading spellbook... 13:06:23 - Spellbook loaded. 13:06:24 - Dispose WRotation Complete 13:06:24 - Initialize Archaeologist Complete 13:06:25 - Loading Digsites.xml 13:06:25 - 284 Archaeology Digsites Zones in the data base. [F] 13:06:26 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Doug\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Ohren]Blood Death Knight.xml 13:06:26 - Start Archaeologist Complete 13:06:26 - Dismount [F] 13:06:32 - Cast Survey (Survey) [F] 13:06:35 - Cast Survey (Survey) 13:06:36 - Stop Archaeologist Complete [F] 13:06:37 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Doug\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Ohren]Blood Death Knight.xml 13:06:37 - Start Archaeologist Complete [F] 13:06:38 - Cast Survey (Survey) 13:06:38 - Stop Archaeologist Complete [F] 13:06:44 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Doug\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Ohren]Blood Death Knight.xml 13:06:44 - Start Archaeologist Complete [F] 13:06:44 - Cast Survey (Survey) 13:06:46 - Stop Archaeologist Complete [F] 13:07:00 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Doug\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Ohren]Blood Death Knight.xml 13:07:00 - Start Archaeologist Complete 13:07:00 - Dismount 13:07:01 - Stop Archaeologist Complete [F] 13:07:02 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Doug\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Ohren]Blood Death Knight.xml 13:07:02 - Start Archaeologist Complete 13:07:02 - Dismount 13:07:03 - Stop Archaeologist Complete [F] 13:07:36 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Doug\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Ohren]Blood Death Knight.xml 13:07:36 - Start Archaeologist Complete 13:07:37 - Dismount 13:07:37 - Stop Archaeologist Complete [F] 13:08:35 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Doug\Downloads\WRobot\WRobot\FightClass\[Ohren]Blood Death Knight.xml 13:08:35 - Start Archaeologist Complete 13:08:36 - Dismount 13:08:36 - Stop Archaeologist Complete When I start it, it just flies to the ground and sits there, trying to use something
  12. Would you like a fight class that includes your character's racials, specific talents (other than the ones I choose in my package), pretty much anything else you would like. Well if so, I am selling customized fight classes. My current pricing plan is $5/fight class and will include free updates if anything changes with WoD. For more information, inbox me here.
  13. 1.) My Shadow Priest profile is out of date. It will be fixed sooner than later. 2.) This isn't the proper forum for profile requests (http://wrobot.eu/forum/28-profiles-and-requests/)
  14. Is there any chance the mana condition in fight classes can be changed to a percentage instead of total mana? Would make things like arcane mage classes usable for multiple levels.
  15. My newest update has a working fury fight class. Will be adding more cooldowns tomorrow though. I have the day off so I am going to try to get as many fight classes updated for 6.x as I can.
  16. If you right click on the boss, combat mode is engaged.
  17. From your display picture, you creeped back in in a very fast way. :P I'm fine tuning some stuff on my blood DK set up. I've given it a few runs through UBRS, it's indestructible, but I think there is room for some improvements.
  18. Sometimes buff checks don't work (Crimson Scourge for Blood DKs and Dream of Cenarious for Druids). Here is a workaround that fixes that.. Instead of using a buff condition, use LUA script. name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId= UnitAura("player", "BUFF_NAME");retV = count; Return value var needs to be retV and return value research needs to be 1. Simple as that.
  19. Alright, give this a shot. Use it as a normal condition, but make sure you choose LUA script. name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId= UnitAura("player", "Dream of Cenarious");retV = count; Return value var needs to be retV and return value research needs to be 1.
  20. It's something to do with buffs, I have the same issue with using Crimson Scourge on my Death Knight, it detects that you constantly have the buff on, I can't remember how I used to work around it, but I will find the LUA snippet I had, or make a new one.
  21. Yeah, that /run loop is no longer working, anyone know another method?
  22. Also using CastSpellByName("Spell Name") as the name and changing the second to last option for the spell (something about not being a spell, is LUA) to true. I do not like the way MMORobot handles these, so I am going to be talking to Droidz about spell names.
  23. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings#BiS,real,1 That's the order that I will be re-creating all my fight classes. It will probably start tomorrow after work, since I already only have 7 hours before I have to head in.
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