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Posts posted by Fauvic

  1. Hi there. Been using the bot a bit and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's relatively easy to configure once you get the hang of it, and still so versatile. I have some questions regarding two fighting classes though.

    Hunter: I have a hunter fight class and I've set the max units near target to 20 and set the range in the fight class profile to 20 aswell. Although most of the time when he gets into combat the mob is already at close range and then he just stands there unable to use his abilities as he's too close. Is there a way for him to go backwards to the point where he is now at the right range while the pet has aggro? 

    Shaman Healer: I've set my shaman healer up to cast Earth Shield on party1 when the buff's stacks are at 0. The problem is that the bot will see party2-4 not having any stacks and then proceeds to cast Earth Shield on party1 again and again in a loop. Is there a way to set up the spell to only check conditions on a single target like the tank/party1? 

    Thank you in advance for any assist!!

  2. After increasing the search radius it still wouldn't go to vendor. I then used the Go to Town tool again and it found a vendor and sold the items. I'll check to see if it will go back automatically when inventory full again. Thank you.

    [EDIT: It did just that. Problem solved. Thanks]

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