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Posts posted by PanCar

  1. 41 minutes ago, BetterSister said:

    We have few people (that I'm aware of) who have botted for 3 years using this bot and have never been banned because they are so careful like custom profiles for everything and always have backup plan in profiles when there is people around

    Okay, thanks for letting me know! =) Do you know any Alliance quest profile? 1-60 or 1-100? I can't find any, have searched the forum

  2. Hi there!

    I'm thinking of buying WRobot however I'm having a couple of questions if anyone could please answer them! =)

    1. How safe is this Bot? 

    2. Can/Have it ever been detected by blizzards anti-cheat?

    3. How safe is it to use if I monitor the game when using the bot, so I answering people that talk to me via guild etc, do it reduce the risk of getting detected?

    I do not intend to use it while not at the computer.


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