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Posts posted by prinzpie

  1. 37 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    Battlegrounder has no healer option. You need to put everything in your fightclass in C# and overwrite wRobot behavior if that's what you want.
    Regarding queue pop, trying finding an addon that auto accepts. Don't really have another solution.

    There's a BG helper plugin somewhere (i believe in the MoP section) you can look for. Not sure if it still works, but probably should.

    Alright, thanks for the information, I've downloaded that plugin but it seems to still bugg out sometimes because the plugin has to be faster than the bot itself (ie accept the que before the bot fucks it up). I'll have a look at the fight class and see if i can configure it

  2. So there's a few issues I'm having with thee bg bot on 5.4.8 on warmane, I hopesomeone could maybe help me

    Firstly I can't really have it go healer for some reason, even though i've seen some people in rotations saying they've used it succesfully to heal though (On mine it just targets enemies not allied players even when it's going heal spec and tries to actually kill players with no dps spells in the fightclass so it just stand at 15range doing nothing.)

    Secondly the same issue I was having the first time I used this bot sometimes when the que pops it just makes the que pop dissappear instead of going in to the bg and then requeing endlessly unless i'm there right when it pops and clicking it for the bot.

    Is there anyone that could maybe help me with these issues? maybe if someone is more skilled in using this bot for bgs with some advice on settings or plugins to use i'd be very thankful.

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