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Posts posted by Jupken13

  1. Hello,

    I can't seem to figure out the following:

    I want to have a condition that checks the Buff Stack Target for Festering Wound.
    However, whenever I use this function, it checks the debuffs from ALL DK's.
    I want to check the Stack of my own debuffs, which can go up to 8.

    Target Buff Casted By Me checks if my debuff is on the target, but that only checks for if the debuff is "present".

    If I combine the above 2, it doesn't work.

    Hence, I started to write in LUA code... But I seem to have reach an impasse.

    returnResult = false;
    local name = GetSpellInfo(194310);
    local _, _, _, count, _, _, _, unitCaster = UnitDebuff("target", name, nil, "player");
    if count and count =< 6 then
    returnResult = true;

    The above seems to work, but not if the debuff isn't present!

    I would also need the same code, but this time, with a Between function.
    Example: Between 2 & 6 stacks.

    I lack the experience to create the proper code, can anyone help?


  2. 18 hours ago, Arkatetk said:

    I am making a FightClass for Fury Warrior spec and what I am trying to achieve is to make it so that my Dragon Roar is ONLY casted before the use of Rampage. But the problem is Dragon Roar is a CD and Rampage is based on rage. So if I put Dragon Roar before Rampage in priority it will always be used regardless if Rampage is available. But if i make it so Dragon Roar is only used if Rampage is available causes another issue. Rampage in my rotation can only be used if I am not buffed with Enrage or if I am at a 100 rage. So it seems impossible to do this through FightClass editor.

    Is there a LUA code where I can make it so that Rampage becomes available that when the bot goes to use it that it always casts Dragon Roar if it is available before casting Rampage?

    That doesn't seem impossible.

    Dragon Roar is ONLY casted before the use of Rampage

    "Is Spell Usable" ==> Rampage, need true
    In case rampage is a buff, you can also check for buff instead.

    Rampage in my rotation can only be used if I am not buffed with Enrage or if I am at a 100 rage.

    "Buff Casted By Me" ==> Enrage = False
    "Rage" ==> Equal or higher value 100


    If you want to use Spell ID to verify buff you can also use C sharp code:
    wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff( Spell ID )


    There is also another thing with conditions...

    Whenever you add a spell to the rotation, when you add conditions, they always reflect as AND.

    In order to get the OR condition, you might need to add the spell twice.

    As example...

    Dragon Roar ==> Is Spell Usable,  Rampage, need true
    Rampage ==> Buff Casted By Me, Enrage, need false
    Rampage ==> Rage, Equal Or Higher, value 100
  3. Dear all,


    I'm trying to create a fightclass that can be used in dungeons/raids.

    I have some complications with inserting certain code.

    I've scouted the forums in search for an answer, but I am unable to find it.

    There are 2 things I wish to add to my rotation.

    Soul Reaper (lua):

    returnResult = false; local name = GetSpellInfo(194310); local _, _, _, count = UnitBuff("target", name); if count and count >= 3 then returnResult = true; end

    I shamelessly adapted (and modified) this code from Droidz to count target buff stacks (was originally own buffs)...

    But it does not work. :<

    Apocalypse (ID 220143):

    I wish to /use this Artifact (ID 128403) ability, with the same code that I used for Soul Reaper, as is shown above.


    I've added the fightclass as an attachment, but it remains incomplete.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Jupken13 Unholy Raid v1.0.xml

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