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Posts posted by therabbi98

  1. kills everything in the area without having to use a profile just udjust radius and blacklist mobs you dont want attacked and areas you dont want the bot to go! then press play and it will kill everything in that area without a specific profile :))

  2. The only way to stop the bot attacking these mobs is to black list the that area these mobs have been added into the game since lichking days like herbs that can be looted or beasts that can't be skinned! dear Shai just because you don't know about it does not mean it does not exist google something first before giving people here the wrong information please!

  3.   I would add 3 life time subbs if 10-90 were created by the programmers who made this bot its not good enough to ask the community to make the profiles when you are the guys that charging the dollars, also if the Quest profiler was user friendly there would be plenty of profiles made already. As i have suggested before to Droidz if he make a 10-90 Questing profiles for horde and alliance and sells it as a separate package, people would be happy to pay a fee it was bug free and the bot did not get stuck, i would say the community would increase tenfold! We love this bot, but the community needs to grow, and adding a lifetime key alone is not going to stimulate the growth alone cause there are at least 4 different bots on the market that do the same things that this bot offers, it would make it stand apart from all the others with 10-90 Questing profiles that are perfect!

  4. Even when i use no fight class when herbing in tauren druid swift flight form the bot gathers the herb in flight form then dismounts, goes back into swift flight form goes up a few meters, then dismounts again and starts flying again!, If any one uses this bot to gather herbs as a Tauren is swift flight form please, let me know if that happens to you?

  5. I need some help on my tauren druid, when i run the bot and he is in swift flight form he collects the herb in flight form then goes out of flight form, falls to the ground then goes into swift flight form, how do i stop the bot from doing that and continuing to farm, so it looks natural and not like a bot?

  6. Hi all in the last couple of days I have noticed when I am running a gathering profile a lot of the times my toon flies on Top of the mining node and does not dismount to gather the item for 20-30 seconds it does not happen a lot but once every 10 nodes, did blizzard change something, or could it be my key bindings ? Please help and thanks in advance !

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