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Everything posted by Raphy

  1. Raphy

    Reverse mode for profiles

    Thank you so much !
  2. Hi, I just have made a profile that is not a loop. The profile is like it starts from A to B and once B reached, it goes to A. A <--------------> B <--------------> A etc. I suggest to put an option in the profile maker to that kind of profiles becasue it's very annoying with the "long move distance"... If you wanna try, joined my profile. Thounsand Needles, sungrass and iron farming. Thank you :)
  3. Version 1.0


    Profile for farming herbs and ores. Kind of herbs : Briarthorn, Bruiseweed, Mageroyal Kind of ores : Tin
  4. Raphy

    DK Frost Strike unknown

    Resolved ! Thanks !
  5. I was wondering why my character doesn't cast the "Frost Strike". By analysis of the log, I coul read : [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Conversion, Id found: 119975, Name found: Conversion, NameInGame found: Conversion, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Death Grip, Id found: 49576, Name found: Death Grip, NameInGame found: Death Grip, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Strangulate, Id found: 47476, Name found: Strangulate, NameInGame found: Strangulate, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Freeze, Id found: 47528, Name found: Mind Freeze, NameInGame found: Mind Freeze, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Outbreak, Id found: 77575, Name found: Outbreak, NameInGame found: Outbreak, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Horn of Winter, Id found: 57330, Name found: Horn of Winter, NameInGame found: Horn of Winter, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Pillar of Frost, Id found: 51271, Name found: Pillar of Frost, NameInGame found: Pillar of Frost, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Icebound Fortitude, Id found: 48792, Name found: Icebound Fortitude, NameInGame found: Icebound Fortitude, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Anti-Magic Shell, Id found: 48707, Name found: Anti-Magic Shell, NameInGame found: Anti-Magic Shell, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Howling Blast, Id found: 49184, Name found: Howling Blast, NameInGame found: Howling Blast, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Howling Blast, Id found: 49184, Name found: Howling Blast, NameInGame found: Howling Blast, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Plague Strike, Id found: 45462, Name found: Plague Strike, NameInGame found: Plague Strike, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Obliterate, Id found: 49020, Name found: Obliterate, NameInGame found: Obliterate, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Howling Blast, Id found: 49184, Name found: Howling Blast, NameInGame found: Howling Blast, know = True [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Frost Strike => Failed [Debug] 02:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Empower Rune Weapon, Id found: 47568, Name found: Empower Rune Weapon, NameInGame found: Empower Rune Weapon, know = True The loading of the spell seems fail and won't cast it in game. [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Outbreak (Outbreak) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Howling Blast (Howling Blast) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Pillar of Frost (Pillar of Frost) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Obliterate (Obliterate) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Obliterate (Obliterate) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Mind Freeze (Mind Freeze) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Howling Blast (Howling Blast) [Fight] 02:21 - Cast Obliterate (Obliterate) The Fight Class : FrostDK.xml
  6. Le fait de mettre les formes en "buff" semble résoudre le problème !
  7. Merci ! Je vais essayer tout ça, je te tiens au courant ;)
  8. Any solution ?
  9. Hello, I have a problem that I don't understand at all... I use the profile by default at the Valkyrion's . Sometimes, I got aggro by 2-3 mobs. That's not a problem because my toon is a druid. I've made my own fighting class and when my health is less than 40%, I cast a Rejuvenation on me and cast back the Cat Form. But sometimes, my toon is stuck in the normal form after the Rejuvenation and hit only mellee and use only Rejuvenation when the health is low... The other issue is with the Skull Bash, You will see it in the logs : It casts the spell and then wait the CD without using the other spells (but stays in Cat form) and cast it again and again;.. That's kinda not "normal" player action :P Profile path : [...]\WRobot\Profiles\Grinder\Alliance\70-80\77-82 Storm Peaks - Valkyrion.xml Attached : The log file 14 juil. 2013 12H59.log.html : I stopped at the end because it will only cast Rejuvenation still the mobs are not killed. The fighting class Drood.xml : I made it by myself, maybe the issue is from it. Thanks for helping :) P.S : By the way, I'm french and if you feel better to answer me in French, It's not a problem ;)
  10. Version 1


    I was looking for an Obsidium Ore pfarming profile and as I have not found, I have decided to make my own. It's almost the same of the one included by default :p The route made :
  11. That's why I didn't find ! Thanks !
  12. Hi guys, do you have an Obsidium Ore farming profile that you can share ? :) I've found any one :( Thanks :D
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