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Posts posted by Ruinit

  1. 2 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, you have a lot of way for that.

    The best way is to add it to your fightclass or use "Macro" tab (in advanced general settings)

    Don't mean sound dumb but how do you add a spell not in the toons spell book? I haven't started messing with fight classes yet. Just started using this bot.  

  2. On 11/17/2017 at 5:56 AM, Droidz said:

    Hello, try to remove your all in "taxi db" (tab tools)

    Removed all of the taxi's and it still won't take taxi for example the quests http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26394/continue-to-stormwind you are standing right next to the flightmaster http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26396/return-to-argus again you are standing fight next to the flightmaster in Stormwind?

    Is there no way to force taking flight paths? Bot spends a lot of time walking when we could easily take a flight path. 

    BTW after it's blank it doesn't seem to be adding them to the taxinodes.xml file if it is supposed to be.


  3. Is there no default saved items list so when you mark sell whites it won't sell your cloth etc while questing? I see a list per toon but it looks like you have to add items manually which would take forever.

    If not can you add this feature or make a plugin or something?



  4. 7 hours ago, Droidz said:
    <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="RunMacroText('/use item:22962')" />
    <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="RunMacroText('/use ItemName')" />


    Ok I guess I don't understand where to put this? Is this done through the quest order section like pulse or in the actual quest? Sorry very new to this and the only reason I am doing quest profiles is because there are none available for 1-110

  5. 10 hours ago, KnightRyder said:

    Yeah, it keeps track of NPC ID as well as x,y,z cords.

    Oh I was doing a quest in Westfall and the ready to turn in a quest and the bot was trying to run back to the starting point in Westfall because the NPC is there but later moves to the pumpkin patch? My toon ran right past the npc at the pumpkin patch and tried to go to the spot where he in when you first arrive in Westfall?


  6. 38 minutes ago, Avvi said:

    This should work:

    RunMacroText("/use item:22962");

    Have you tried creating a macro by itself with /use item:22962 and does that work?

    Also, if this is a questing profile, maybe you need to do something like this:

    <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="RunMacroText("/use item:22962")" />


    It works as far as casting on npc etc the problem is it has to be channeled for about 5 seconds and before it can finish it runs to the next target.

  7. Thank you I assume you mean iteractwithnpc as it's the only one on the list. I did that and checked the dead targets but bot still just runs up to it and stands there. I am using easyquest editor. I recently lost all my accounts and have to start over and no one using this bot has a 1-110 quest pack so I thought I would try to create one to share. I am not getting very far lol

  8. I am creating a low level quester and for some reason the quest will not turnin.http://www.wowhead.com/quest=46/bounty-on-murlocs

    It picked up, did the quest runs to the turnin npc but doesn't interact with him? The quest is complete the npc has the correct id I am not sure what is wrong. The log shows no error. I also have one earlier quest that is going to the wrong npc to turnin even though it correct in the quest order.


    <NPCQuest Id="261" Name="Guard Thomas" GameObject="false">

  9. Not sure if this questing issue or a rotation issue but during questing the bot stutter steps and says invalid target trying to kill some mobs? Usually targeting a mob behind a tree or rock or something. I have seen this happen a ton and am worried it will get me banned. I came from a much more polished bot so if I missed something I am sorry.



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