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  1. oh are you serious hahah far out im a dumbo... am I allowed to ask if you can recommended any bots that do offer retail servers? Mainly a rotations bot I guess if anything
  2. I actually just messaged them for a refund as I realized I can play upto legion if i just have game time and thats all i want. so hopefully they let me refund and ill just get game time. How big is the banning without buying an expansion pact (level 0 so far xD)
  3. Ohh well I just bought WoW didnt see a way to get any lower version so I bought the complete pack so I assume BFA im gonna guess the ban rate is pretty high but let me know if im wrong. I mainly just want to bot low level questing then probably just rotations for dungeons.
  4. Hey guys! I'm thinking of botting WoW but curious what the ban rate is? (I probably wont make my own profiles and stuff like that). How 'safe' is it (yes I know no cheating is safe on any game, but just curious what you guys think
  5. Hello, I'm trying to use WRobot on a private server (WoWCircle Legion) but when I open WRobot It says 'Game Version Incorrect'. How can I set this up, can anyone help me please, I just bought a subscription for WRobot.
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