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Everything posted by Lamamanden

  1. Blood dk is the bast class atm
  2. Does anyone have a good Foxflower farming profile? And if yes, is it possible to buy it?
  3. Why would i make potions if i loose money for every potion i make?
  4. post if you find some good deals on wow keys!
  5. Okay so i got 2 bots farming fjarnskaggl. But i am getting way more herbs than i can sell at the ah without looking suspicious. How do you guys sell large quantity of herbs?
  6. My bot kills everything it agros... What is your configuration?
  7. Hello Wrobot! What is your setup? How many bots do you have and for how long do you have them running?
  8. Is there any way that i can make it so my bot only starts attacking the mobs it aggros, is if the mob have hit my bot twice?
  9. I would like to try it before i buy
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