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Posts posted by nikander

  1. Hi

    I recently started with this bot. I've used honorbuddy 3-5 years ago, cant remember. I never got banned even tho i used it in BG and farming about 10 hours a day and i used just default profiles.

    But now I want to be more carefull since blizz is more active with banning botters.

    I use one acc for botting (only farming herbs and selling) after I've made alot of gold i will transfer it to my main acc that i don't bot on. I also use a custom route with random jumping and i use a custom fight class. 

    Is it anything else i should think about? How to transfer money instead of trading them directly? Use a vpn for the botting acc so they cant connect IP? Maybe set up the bot to always stealth so others cant se me except for the secounds I'm picking herbs and when I'm fighting?

    Best regards

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