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Posts posted by Xolem

  1. 20 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

    Try hit me up - we could might work something out mate :) If you are up for it.

    And it all depends if eeny are comming back or not :-)


    But i must admit the money is really small - so far i sold what 10 Leveling profiles - and got 2 accounts banned in the progress so i guess im up like 10 euro (as there are fees from selling) for the 1-70 ally profile.

    So dont do it for the money do it becouse you Care and want to help others in the wrobot community !

    Well right now i'm on a kind of very fast programming course and i should focus on the language we learn (java). I don't do it for the money of course, but to learn. It's just that i must focus on java right now and not c#. I will contact you if i'm back at it. But it's time consuming as i try to do at the same time fightclasses for every class and every level range oO

  2. I was working on alliance 1-100 but got banned after coding the 4th quest i'm afraid ^^. 

    Either way as it takes more or less 1 hours per quest, it would have taken one million years to complete it.

    I might get back to it but it will be paid no matter what, it's a huge timesink and I have to pay all these damn licenses as we get banned while coding the stuff. I will try to do 1-100 as it's cheaper, and associated fightclasses for all classes (adaptative to your level, means only use your current spells and doesn't do 1000 checks for unknown spells.)

  3. Hello guys,

    Right now i'm trying to program the druid starter quest in Dalaran and it has been a pain in the ass, so far.

    The quest consist on picking up the quest in Dalaran, then teleport to the druid area in Kalimdor and turn in the quest.

    In the meanwhile, the quest giver changes his position and ID. So far I have been managing to pick up the quest and do the teleport. but once there the bot will no turn in the quest. I have been working on that stuff for almost 20 hours straight now so it's quite a serious issue for me.

    Also if you find I have too much xml code and I should put more stuff in classes please do tell me.

    Here are the samples of code for the quest : 

    C# : 

    using wManager;
    using robotManager;
    public sealed class aSummonsFromMoonglade : QuestClass
        public aSummonsFromMoonglade()
            // http://www.wowhead.com/quest=40643
            Name = "A Summons From Moonglade";


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <QuesterProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
          <QuestsSorted Action="WriteLog" NameClass="Compiling Legion introductory druid quests" />
          <!-- 2: A Summons From Moonglade -->
          <QuestsSorted Action="PickUp" NameClass="aSummonsFromMoonglade" />
            <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="(wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.HasQuest(40643) &amp;&amp; !wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.GetQuestCompleted(40643) 
             &amp;&amp; wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName != &quot;Moonglade&quot;
             &amp;&amp; wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName != &quot;Reflet-de-Lune&quot;
             &amp;&amp; wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName != &quot;Claro de la Luna&quot;
             &amp;&amp; wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName != &quot;Radaluna&quot;
             &amp;&amp; wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName != &quot;Mondlichtung&quot;
             &amp;&amp; wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName != &quot;Clareira da Lua&quot;
             &amp;&amp; wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName != &quot;Лунная поляна&quot;)" />  <!-- All languages supported -->
                <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = false;" />
                <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByIdLUA(18960);" />
            <QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="" />
         <QuestsSorted Action="TurnIn" NameClass="aSummonsFromMoonglade" />
        <NPCQuest Id="101061" Name="Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem" GameObject="false">
        <NPCQuest Id="101064" Name="Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem" GameObject="false">

    Thanks in advance, not much hairs left on my head ;)

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