I came here by way of ownedcore, and the title of the post that lead me to WRobot says that the rotation bot is free... how does one go about using said rotation bot without paying for a license key to login to the program in the first place? Or am I misunderstanding, and that you have to pay for one of the other items to be able to login, THEN WRotation is free?
I'm just confused, and I am looking to try out as many rotation bots as possible before spending money. I myself would like to use them, but I also have a friend that had to stop playing WoW because they suffered a stroke and lost most of the use of their left hand, so managing rotations and movement isn't very easy for them and anything past level 60 is almost unplayable for them so I'm also looking for one to suggest to them as well based on my own experience with trying out rotation bots.