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Everything posted by Arguss

  1. Hi. Give me please URL for download or buy the initial quests for druid alliance. End quest - getting weapons 750 . Thank you.
  2. Thank you !!!
  3. Hi. Bot is stucked in locations. How can I make a teleport to Dalaran when bot is stucked?
  4. How to stop mooving when use healing?
  5. thanks
  6. http://c2n.me/3FrFWkS In profile paty my macros working, but in profile gatherer not work.
  7. http://c2n.me/3FrFWkS
  8. Ok. How to press key on "My Macros" in profile gatherer ?
  9. With profile gatherer it's not work. And My Macros in profile gatherer not work.
  10. With profile gatherer it's not work.
  11. does not work
  12. It's in FightClass?
  13. Hi. How to make healing with regrowth out of combat?
  14. Hey. Please tell me how to convert coordinates WOW client (x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition ( "player")) in the coordinates of bot
  15. Thank you )
  16. How to add pause 5 seconds after herb gathering in gatherer profile. Thank you.
  17. Bot no run in Dalaran.
  18. Stopped in Run http://clip2net.com/s/3DQNVtA After 60 min. What to do not to stop?
  19. Not have this option http://c2n.me/3DOymIx And WRobot without Relogger don't stopped.
  20. Help plz.
  21. Ok 28 окт 2016 10H27 - XTnU.log.html
  22. Hi. I have a problem. Evry 60 min bot stopped. Log: 11:28:09 - [Gatherer] Stopped 11:28:09 - [Gatherer] Closed
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