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Everything posted by Derp123

  1. exactly what eeny said. it is extremely easy to make a grinder profile, press a few buttons and ur done. and there is alot of free and paid ones here.
  2. anyone have a profile that walks all around draenor. need to unlock the flying...
  3. yeah i have the same problem with the affli warlocks fightclasses. dont think they are updatedso either wait or make new character with other spec or something
  4. First off all u need a fight class. i would suggest to watch this video
  5. so there is none out for legion?
  6. None of the affliction warlock fight classes work for me why is that?
  7. so i have a little question, i have 4 wow accounts on same battle.net account if i bot on one and get banned does all get banned then?
  8. ok thanks. then imma buy this :)
  9. Is there a stand still fishing bot profile here? cuz i dont want my bot to go around the world and fishing that just looks wierd.
  10. Does this bot still work in legion?
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