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Posts posted by kazurengan

  1. 1 hour ago, camelot10 said:

    1 bot 3 weeks (~8-10 hours per day). world quests with follower with all +gold per world quest item (+15 +25 +50) got me around 200k. need multiple characters coz all world quests completed after 5-6 hours if you run it on one characters.

    this including selling on ah everything once per week: mats, boe and other. dont bother with disenchant or transmog: sell greens to vendor. and i dont cout order hall resources. coz i flush it once per month ~100k

    per day or per week?

  2. Hello, somebody uses lvl 101 chars to farm SLR? i twinked my char and it's currently ilvl is 805

    the weird thing is that it misses all attacks, mobs keep evading it. while my main char which ilvl is 799

    can kill them. I wanted to farm SLR there with my 101 char, but it's impossible like this, i can't even kill 1 mob

  3. 21 hours ago, x11r6 said:

    Back into the days i pulled out about 10k euros /year from Wow, farming my own golds and selling them to people from my country. I had an online shop based on a facebook page, with even reviews and advertisement :)
    I gave up farming after getting banhammered several times in a row. So i started buying my golds from russians, and selling them to italians from double the price. Then the playerbase shrunk to the point that the demand was too low to bear the risk, i got banhammered once again after moving a massive amount of russian golds out of the gbank, and decided to give up. All in all i pulled money out of thin air for years, i'm still in profit :)

    Yep, that train already passed i think.

    the thing is, back then the RMT was so easy, and today you'll need a private buyer if you want to make some gold.

    and i am at that phase, not sure where to find a private buyer, and if i find one pretty much he will report me/scam me

    I thought of playerauctions.com or g2g.com, but many companies selling there, and for sure i would lose competition and buyers.

    not sure what to do at this point

  4. 12 minutes ago, eeny said:

    Check when these people posted these comments.  First few months of legion i was making great money @300-400 US per week.  Putting in the same effort now i may make $70-100

    i spoke with a guy on april of this year, and he told me he could make

    $500 with 8 bots, he told me he was not selling to the chinese buyers. but to people from his country

    but i don't get it how he would get customers then

  5. 4 hours ago, Moonpie said:


    The goldprice is pretty much the same for all Buyers/Sellers. You get 0,3 - 0,4 $ on EU Realms and 0,45 - 0,6 on US Realms. On Demand the prices may be 0,2 $ higher. If someone offers you significant higher prices you most likely get scammed. Prices can't be much higher anyways since the Goldprice needs to be lower than the WoW Token Gold Price. Else noone would buy Gold from Gold Selling Sites if they can get the same amount fast and without risk from Blizzard itself.

    There are other things to farm than just minerals/herbs who even generate more income than Legion Mats.


    don't you mean $0.03  - $0.04 for EU? never saw someone going higher than this for EU servers tbh.

    it's too low tbh, maybe because of the wow token like you said

  6. 1 hour ago, Moonpie said:

    i doubt that you can make a living out of it. The current prices are way too low to cover your expenses. Right now 1 Bot Accounts makes what - a Million Gold per month?! Which are 40$. You also need to farm the Gold for the WoW Token which can be 1/4 of your monthly Gold Farm. On Top of that you got the sunk cost for the Account (idk if you bought a BattleChest and leveled to 100 or bought Legion with the Level 100 Bost) Since you say you farm herbs / mining 24/7 and make 30 - 40 k/ day i assume you are Farming Legion Mats. From my experience suicide legion mats farming will get your account banned within days (weeks if you are really lucky) Therefor the first month + X you are just farming to get break even. Once you hit the BE Point you are likely to be banned already.

    As people mentioned above, you at least need 20 Bots for a living. This means you need to invest into 3 new Computer and also pay for their electricity which is a big factor too.

    If you really want this you can make this happen. but keep in mind that it will in addition to the risk of losing all accounts at onces, require a lot of cash.

    Plus, it is still a lot of work. You have to monitor the bots. Sell their farm mats every couple of days. Fix or restart them after they got crashed, stucked, killed or whispered to and sell the gold manually.

    Yes thats why i need to know where i can sell my gold foe a higher price

    Also  i thought draenor/pandaria farming were dead? Since their herb/mine orbs worth less than 1 gold?

  7. 24 minutes ago, Nineinch said:

    You will not make a living from this with three bots, like Zan said above, you would need 20+ on the go all the time and even then be prepared to invest money AND time again when one or multiple get hit.

    Your question is very vague, why would a buyer buy from you for alot more when they can get it cheaper else where, you need to find your own private buyers from other forums etc, when I was selling gold a few years ago I had 2/3 same guys who come back every week and spent at least 50 euros each and they we're mates from playing the game, the rest were just from word of mouth.

    yes i'm aware that i need more bots for this to work, the problem is finding sellers that will buy my gold. since

    i can only deliver to 1 realm and can't be 24/7 online like the chinese sellers. I will try to open a sell on g2g or playerauction

    but honestly i think no one will buy

  8. hello, i'm needing some help on RMT since i'm new at it. currently i have 3 WoW bots running on official servers farming

    herbs and mining. roughly i make like 30-40k per day running the 3 of them 24/7. the Thing is, the best buyer i found is giving

    $0.04/k which is like $20 per 500k.

    So i really wonder if real RMT players still sell to those buyers or sell directly at other players, also won't that increase the chance

    of your account getting banned, since you would write in chat looking for buyers.

    And for a living i would have to make 500k everyday, and it does take some time to get 500k, 2 weeks probably.

    to get at least $500 monthly. am i missing something here? or is WoW RMT really that hard?


    sorry for the long thread but really needing some advice from RMT pros

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