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Posts posted by UnlimitedPotential

  1. 40 minutes ago, eeny said:

    Only way you are going to come close to get 100k / week is with multiple bots, each running their own profile in a different location.  Even then, 100K of anything (maybe except leather) is a massive ask.

    No-one but you can comment on the nature of your buyer- however 100K is steep and whatever your buyer is doing will flood any supply / demand market.  I honestly can't think of an application for that many volatiles in 1 week.


    I think you have had a mis-communication or been handed an impossible task...  

    Either way spin up more acc's and do what you can... not like the buyer is going to take your kneecaps if you don't deliver. ( i hope)

    Thanks for the info!

    Yeah, I don't get why my buyer needs that many mats either. This isn't the only time he's needed some random mat that nobody knows the use for in huge supplies, but I've been able to accommodate those because they're in lower quantities, like 10k. I don't think he made a mistake, because he said "80,000 - 100,000".

    I wanted to maintain a good relation with this buyer because he buys a load of mats from me in huge supplies consistently. I would consider myself very new to the botting scene, so when I see things like this, it's pretty mind blowing. 224k in 2 weeks?? And this is a herb that he's farming, not a mob, so I don't think partying up even applies.

    I just don't understand how these things are possible. I didn't really care before, but now things are ramping up for me.

    Do you think parting up 5 bots and running them in a hotspot would be viable? I'm not sure if they will loot mobs killed by other party members, as I have zero experience with mass botting. I don't think this task is impossible, but I just need a bit of guidance from someone more experienced than me. I know people can get 400-500 volatiles per hour if they do a party of 5. I'm not sure how looting works for this scenario, though. Does each party member get their own share of loot? Because if so, I think I could manage around 84k in 10 days. At the moment, I'm getting about 210 volatiles per hour on 1 account. If I multiply that by 5, I end up with 1050 volatiles per hour, which will be more than enough.

    The only problem is that I don't have multiple accounts....

  2. Hey guys, so I posted about this in the discord as well.

    Basically I have a private buyer who buys bulk mats from me. He just dropped this on me today: "I need 100k volatiles, I'll be back in a week, talk to you later."

    I can do 600-700 per day with 8h of farming, and to get the volatiles I need to kill some mobs.

    I'm not asking for teamviewer or a guide or anything, just a finger in the general direction for some of you guys who do this. How do you guys mass farm mats? This one involves killing mobs, but even shit like herbs, how do you guys manage 10k a day? I see some bot selling 10k a day on the AH and it takes me 10 days to make that shit with 8h/day of botting. I was thinking it was involving multiboxing, and I think this PC is more than capable to run multiple instances of WoW. I have 24GB ram and an Intel i5-4670k. The thing about multiboxing that I don't understand is how do you farm mats? Doesn't the node disappear if someone in the area has picked it up? And what about mats that drop from mobs, are those possible to multibox bot? If they are, how do you do it, as in game setup? Do you party or raid? Loot settings? 



  3. 1 hour ago, molotox said:

    Open the files in notepad and copy the <Vectors3> portion I think.

    Yep, That's similar to what I did. I just opened it in Notepad ++ and made the formatting similar to a copy of an example profile. If a tool doesn't already exist, I might end up making a python script to automate it and release it here, assuming that's allowed, and there's enough demand for it.

  4. On 4/19/2017 at 5:29 AM, KnightRyder said:

    Make a grinding profile, but only put the rare mob in. Turn on mining/herbing and only attack if attacked and done.

    See the thing is, because I want it to attack right when it sees the rare, like fire a ranged attack to get a tag on it so it can loot it. Is that possible?



  5. Hello

    I was wondering if it was possible to add a certain mob to a kill on sight list? Because I wanted to make a profile that runs around in circles gathering and mining shit near the spawn of a rare for a mount, and when it sees that mount, kill it immediately and loot it. Otherwise, do combat like normal, such as ignore mobs if they don't attack you, don't loot mobs, etc. Basically it should override the don't loot mobs settings.


  6. Hey guys! 

    So I'm a student studying right now and I don't have time to play WoW anymore. Do you guys think it's safe for me to bot while doing my homework? The bot will always be monitored and won't be run for more than 6 hours absolute MAX (avg around 3-4 hours).

    Ideally I want to run it on my main without getting banned, but we all know that's not happening. Even still, I'll still ask the question, assuming the bot is always monitored and running gathering runs on a route that I do legit for 2.5 hours every day, is it worth running on my main?


    Is it worth spending money and buying a separate account, hand leveling (or using questing profile to level 100) and botting gold on that account?

    Also, how often do you guys here actually get banned? And if it's possible to tell, do you guys get banned from the bot actually getting detected, or just reports/GM saw you botting in game? I've botted in many other games before, so I know how to smart bot.

    I apologize in advance if someone else asked this question before as I'm looking for more recent answers, or if it's in the right section. I also apologize if these kinds of threads are against the rules, and in case it is, please remove mine.


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