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Everything posted by Kbs

  1. Hi, I starting to make a fightclass for my rogue. What it should do : Stealth : OK SAP : OK Pick Pocket : ok at 40% --> Cast Pick Pocket as soon as target is in range(instant) but in game it returns "Out of Range" (And u recast manually it works even without moving) Cheap Shot when energy is at 100 But the problem is that the bot auto attack even in Stealth mode resulting in no casting Cheap Shot. How to desactivate the auto attack before im in Combat ? PS : In WoW Settings, Combat, Stop Auto-Attack is ON, Auto Self Cast too, everything else is OFF Thanks Rogue.xml
  2. Hello all, I did some reseach but found nothing. The problem : When bot die in Northrend so having a flying mount as ghost, the bot will reach his corpse and resurrect while he's in the air instead of finding a safe ground spot to res. The results : Bot resurrect in air (10-15 yards) and will die because of the fall. Thus, it will chain died and trigger the security option Anyone faced the same problem ? Any solutions ? Thanks
  3. Any help or moderator comment please ?
  4. Hello, Here is my issue : When bot is detecting a node and going on it, sometimes it's doesn't stop and unmount directly but skip a little like 5-8 yards from the node and then dismount. Then the bot won't go at range of the node and mine but will directly remount and fly away, resulting in skipping the node. Have you also this problem ? Is there a way to fix it ? Thanks
  5. It wasn't botters, it was gold buyer, bans followed the leak of goldseller data hacked
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