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Everything posted by Kratzbuerste
I want to make a Profile to get the Artifact Weapon for Fury Warriors i get the Quest "The Hunter of Heroes". First i have to Interact with a NPC to get in the Scenario. The First QuestObjective is done and here comes my first problem, after the bot was teleported he walks in a one direction (to the coords where the NPC was standing i think) and dont go to the next Quest Order step. And if the player use the "Heartstone?", how can i check if the char is standing in the right continent or so? The first objective is "done" and i cant cancel the quest. The Scenario has a new Objective: Light up the Mystic Fire 0/1. Phase (or Step/Stage i play it in German) 1 from 7. How to Check them? Next problem: to Interact with the fire can i chose as Quest type Gatherer? Some Support to make Profiles would be nice, maybe in german :D .. i have a lot of time an want to make some profiles for the artifact weapons and other quests. Tell me what i have to learn :)
Questing Profile user interaction?
Kratzbuerste replied to Kratzbuerste's topic in Quester assistance
http://de.wowhead.com/quest=40043 There is a Scenario and i have to click the mystic fire.. -
And how to find the ID of the Scenario Stage?
Hey Guys, I want to make a Profile for my Warri (Artifactweapon) I should now select a second weapon. Here, the bot is now either select the fury weapon or a message box should appear to the user to indicate that he should select the weapon itself. My question is now, how do I do that? Sorry for Google Translate i can read english but formulate a text is not easy for me. Maybe German Support would be nice :)
Hey Leute, Also im vorraus, ich scheue keine Arbeit, ich möchte der Community helfen und ein paar Questprofile erstellen. Doch bin ich nicht gerade gut im englischen. Wäre einer von euch bereit mir etwas Support via TS oder Skype beim erstellen von Profilen zu geben? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Kratzbuerste
Ging um einen Monat für den Bot die sonst 9,99€ kostet
Ja hab da dennoch ne andere frage. bei my purchases steht: "There is a pending renewal invoice for this product. Pay Now" klicke ich auf Pay Now steht dort: "1 x Renew: WRobot Subscription: 6.99 EUR" Heißt das, dass erneuern billiger ist? Dort gibt es nur irgendwie keine möglichkeit den vorgang abzuschließen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Sorry aber mit meinem english hapert es doch gewaltig ^^
Der Titel sagt eigentlich schon alles. Ist die WRobot Unlimited Subscription sozusagen lifetime?
Yes, add the steps ingame would be very nice we can get the quest id ingame.. i dont like the switching betwen wow and the profile creator. :)
Hey Guys, i have a little problem, in the bot or in the bot the texts are cutted off. see the screenshots, any ideas?
Hey Guys, some times i think about it and my idea is following... a addon for making profiles easier? a addon that give me a ingame interface to add steps to the profile creator. or record the steps that i do ingame or to add hotspots.. sorry my english is not the best and i cant explain what i mean but i hope you understand me
Hey i use the Rogue Profile "rogue 1-60". I try other Profiles to but my Char dont use combo points with Eviscarate. I have a Assasination Rogue.
Shortcut to add current position to blacklisted zones?
Kratzbuerste replied to Kratzbuerste's topic in Profiles and Requests
Thanks, this work in the Profile Creator to? -
Hey, I search a Profile to Level my Chars to Level 110, I would not be stingy and would pay something for it. Hope someone can help me ^^
Thanks :) Try it tonight... edit: the quests are in the root directory in "..\Profiles\Quester\Ally 15-20.xml" In the Profile is "<QuestsSorted Action="LoadProfile" NameClass="Ally 20-25.xml" />" and the bot looks like..
Yes its in one folder :/
Hey guys i use @nicozo's Questing Profiles (1-20) and the Bot dont load the Next Profiles. After every Profile the Bot Stops and i have manual load the next profile. Someone have a idea?
translation Deutsche Übersetzung/German (DE) Wrobot Version 1.8.4
Kratzbuerste commented on Fla5hback's file in Translations
hatte schon 2x 6 Monate mit dem gleichen Acc glück gehabt denke ich. Jetzt botte ich nurnoch auf dem zweit account, doof nur das der auf dem gleichen battle.net account liegt, keine ahnung ob dadurch das risiko höher ist.