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Posts posted by mkeagy

  1. 5 hours ago, Desmondeee said:

    Well, I have tried loads of profiles and none have worked efficiently for me. I've tried the built in ones and also Eeny_Horde_1-60_Quester_V4 and they all seem to have the same issue, at least for horde races. I actually did the things I got stuck on manually and now I don't have too many issues with the Quster anymore. The grinder stays the same tho, I kill some enemies, and all of a sudden my character just stand still, and if a mob spawn on me I kill it, but the char does not go around and look for more after that. The log says nothing except that I started it?

    Well if you character is very low health using grinder it will stand still for it to regenerate it's health back, don't really happen if you use a class that heals itself back up but ya. After the health is back to full it will start grinding again. Maybe that is what is happening. I'm pretty new to the bot and don't know if there is a way to turn that off.

  2. On 2/13/2017 at 8:45 AM, Droidz said:

    Hello, Try this plugin: GatheringMobSpawns.cs

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using robotManager.Helpful;
    using wManager.Wow.Bot.States;
    public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin
        public void Initialize()
            var grinderState = new Grinding {EntryTarget = new List<int> {98232, 98234, 98235 } }; // http://www.wowhead.com/npc=98232/withered-hungerer , http://www.wowhead.com/npc=98234/nightmare-creeper , http://www.wowhead.com/npc=98235/frenzied-fox
            robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnBeforeCheckIfNeedToRunState += (engine, state, cancelable) =>
                if (state != null && state.DisplayName == "Farming")
                    if (grinderState.NeedToRun)
                        cancelable.Cancel = true;
            Logging.Write("[GatheringMobSpawns] Loadded.");
        public void Dispose()
            Logging.Write("[GatheringMobSpawns] Disposed.");
        public void Settings()
            MessageBox.Show("[GatheringMobSpawns] No settings for this plugin.");


    I didn't think this plugin was working but then I disabled the option to ignore fighting while in sky golem and travel form and now it seems like this is working great. Looks like it ignores other mobs and is just attacking withered hungerers on my starlight farm. Thanks :)!

  3. 23 hours ago, Hapiguy said:

    Actually, there's a plugin for it now.

    I saw Droidz post about it yesterday.


    I guess you mean this post, I'm completely new to this and never used plug in but seems simple enough, I will try it out, thanks.

    *Edit: I tried it out, it showed up in plugins and i turned it on, then started my starlight rose profile, withered hungerer spawned on like 2nd node, and it just completely ignored it and kept going so it doesn't seem to work unfortunately.

  4. On 10/22/2016 at 4:40 AM, Droidz said:

    I'll add this feature. If you can help me to complete list of all mobs spawn by the herbs:

    I guess this was still never added but it would be amazing xD. The only other problem I have with travel form is when i hit water while in combat it goes slow and stays that way even when you get out of combat. I wonder if there is a way to make it go out and back into travel form if you are going a certain movement speed.

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