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Posts posted by Raffed

  1. Hello.

    I've set my grinder bot to drink when my mana is at or below 30%. After it has drunk the water up to 100% mana, the bot just sits there, nothing happens.


    18.13.25 - [Regen] Started
    18.13.25 - [Regen] Use drink Purified Draenic Water


    Is there a way for it to automatically continue grinding, or do I have to stop and resume the bot every time this happens?

  2. Hello.

    I've recently discovered your bot and decided to give it a try on a private server (TBC), but I'm having issues with the Grinder.  

    I've set up a Fight Class and a profile for the grinder, but it doesn't target the mobs that are in the list. Even when I aggro a mob, my character continues to run the route without dismounting and killing the mob attacking me.

    Is this a issue with the 2.4.3 version of the bot?

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