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Posts posted by Kalos72

  1. Yep cool, got this working now.  Next question, is there a way to force it to make as many as it can?  For example, Smelting.  I want it to stay there and smelt until all that ore is gone.  I know I COULD add multiple lines for the same ore but that seem crazy...   :)

  2. Unless others have feedback as to how they do it, I am just going to make 2-3 profiles that each use a hearthstone to particular zones to run additional profiles based on the above Frostwall profile.

    I am still having trouble with the Garrison profile itself so this will work for the time being...

  3. Is it easier to create GoTo Profiles say one for the Garrison and one for Dalaran and run them in series with Relogger with my farming profiles or just modify the farming profiles to do the checks inside that profile?

    For example: Run 4 profiles

    Run GoTo Garrison - Checks to see if its in the Garrison, if not hearths - END

    Run Garrison Farm - Farms Garrison Herbs/Mines -END

    Run Goto Dalaran - Checks for Dal, uses Hearthstone - END

    Run Azshuna WQ Profile - Runs Camelots WQ profile - END


    How do you guys handle GOTO events/checks...



  4. Whenever I run Wrobot solo, not through Relogger, I continually get asked to update and then this:

    21:14:38 - Update has finished.
    21:14:37 - Update file: Products/Quester.dll
    21:14:37 - error: System.Net.WebException: An exception occurred during a WebClient request. ---> System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'E:\WRobot\Bin\wManager.dll' because it is being used by another process.
       at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
       at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
       at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
       at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
       at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
       at UpdateManager.UpdateManager.OjubuLenibifea()
    21:14:37 - Update file: Bin/wManager.dll
    21:14:35 - Update file: WRobot.exe
    21:14:35 - 3 file(s) need to be updated
    21:14:35 - Check for updated files.
    21:14:31 - 3 file(s) need to be updated
    21:14:31 - Check for updated files.
    21:14:31 - Product changed: WRobot for Offical Wow server

    And then it just repeats the Update process and never closes...seems to work fine through Relogger which uses the same install of Wrobot.



  5. [E] 14:06:53 - Compilator Error :
    warning CS1685: The predefined type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' is defined in multiple assemblies in the global alias; using definition from 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll'
    c:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\Temp\dw1px0dk.0.cs(465,99) : error CS1002: ; expected
    c:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\Temp\dw1px0dk.0.cs(465,99) : error CS1525: Invalid expression term ')'

    [E] 14:07:27 - [Quester] Cannot found QuestClass: GatherGarisson

    I think its a Wrobot Update issue, checking.

  6. So I took the Driodz Garrison Horde Quester profile and added the RunCode line and the StopBot lines, after the WriteLog/Finish line, nothing.

    The bot just finished gathering, mounts and sits there...doesnt hearth or stop actually.  I am sure its just me not fully understanding the requirements for those lines and I am missing something....


  7. So when i quest with Wrobot I tend to disable harvesting minerals/herbs for faster questing but then when I run my Garrison Collection profilem I want it to Harvest.

    Is there a profile level setting that will override what the last use of Wrobot had, forcing those new settings regardless of whats seleced on the general Setting screen?  Or forcing Wrobot to change them I guess...

  8. Well for example, I have this Garrison Farming profile I am trying to tweak.  How would I add a zone check and then use the Garrison Hearthstone if its not in the Garrison before starting the pathing?  Plus, end the profile at the garrison mission table or at least the main building....where the profile starts.

    Any feedback is welcome, its my first profile really.  :)



  9. Humbah - These comments aren't directed towards you, although some might apply.  I know buying something and then not getting what you expected is disappointing/annoying, but the AH piece is not the primary function really.  its something very minor that can be accomplished, it does what is says it does no more.  Although there are some members that are working on adding functionality....

    As for Scriptex, he has some valid points but he need to either accept the bot for what it is or leave.  Bitching about it on any post he can find is not helping.  If he has some skills, he should be working on his own fixes otherwise he, just like me, is dependant on the experts in the community for support.  Coming off as bitching and moaning will NOT get people to help...

    Wrobot works very well in some areas, and not so well in others.  One of the biggest benefits most of that use it see, is that it is not trying to HB, but a small under the radar bot that keeps to the basics.  I dont want to own the AH through Wrobot because then more people will buy it, more attention from Blizzard will follow and then so will more bans.

    I run this bot over 6-10 accounts and have many many profiles that work perfect.  No tree issues, no dieing issues, no running off cliff issues, nada.  

  10. So how do you make a toon check to see what zone its in, if its not the one we want, use a particular hearthstone?  And then after the profile is complete, us another hearthstone to return home?

    I am trying to string multiple profiles together with Relogger and if they are not in the same zone or at very least continent, I am stuck moving them manually.

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