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Posts posted by mael

  1. What I noticed is that if I am using drink option.. my bot will first drink then skin

    lets say at 60% mana char should drink and when fight is over I can end up with more mana - when this happens bot does nothing until he gets back to 100% mana. no skinning no fighting.

    Disabling drinking is one option or take those percentages up. Don't know if that helps but this is what happened to me.

  2. Hello, this is not bot-breaking but case of performance. I had my gatherer run in Netherstorm - While I play Feral tank I can take down even elites solo(slower though). Well I don't die often, but I checked my druid and saw he was dead running to corpse.... then after 10min check him again and same thing over.... what happened was that my druid died falling from the side of Netherstorm... either it was one of those movements that sometimes occur when u mine or NPC knockback. Well every time my character went after corpse he ended up jumping and then being teleported to spirit healer. This behaviour can be fixed by using "use spirit Healer" but if you are using this in High level zone you have to use the wait for resurrection sickness to go off. So potentially you can loose a lot of time this way - bad performance.

    My question is whether I could set it up so I would res at Spirit Healer in condition that I cannot reach my character or I have been teleported to Spirit healer in ghost form(when you fall) and then condition on waiting on sickness depending on the level and zone.

    I imagine if it is even possible .. it requires scripting. So most of you advanced in this surely don't have time to do something like this for free - that's why I want to ask you whether you could point me to some direction where I could learn about this. I have been programming for quite a while before so I think I shouldn't have a problem to learn and work on it when I will have more time.

  3. Hello, I made this simple Fightclass for my low lvl mage. The problem I have is that I have 2 buffs at this level, Frost Armor and Arcane Intellect, my condition on those spells are same, If buff need - cast spell. When the arcane Intellect has higher priority the mage will cast it but not the armor and vice versa. After this I have Conjure Water and Conjure Food both with same conditions.. no difference whatsoever (same condition different parameters). Can you help me with this one?

    PS: can you give me tip how to make my mage back up after using frost nova when I aggroed 2+ mobs that are melee?

    Thank you very much for helping me with this!


  4. Hello there, I am new here, just started today and with tutorials on the forum I have been able to make and run everything nicely and smoothly. But now.. I have feral tank druid and I made my fight class with quite a few spells in it and it works flawlessly except one thing:

    Mangle doesn't work - I have no idea why this is the case as Lacerate and Maul is basically on the same setting and it works fine.

    What should I do? What are the steps to find out about the problem, should I post any stuff here for you? Anyway thank you for great bot!

    PS faerie fire (feral) does not work either the only difference in setting is that it should be used only once per target. Is the problem in using the talent spells both (feral)!? Ty for help.

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