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Posts posted by pogzi87

  1. On 7/16/2017 at 0:17 AM, eebm said:



    Warmane is now banning without ANY kinds of interaction/whispers/teleports/show ups! 

    I¨ve given up 3accounts on purpose to verify/confirm this! There is no reason to monitor your playing besides the fact to dodge reporters, because warmane is not going to do anything you can detect with your eyes to confirm if your botting or not. 

    If you use popular profiles like the ones available on these forums they will simply ban without any kind of "headsup" most likely because they know the pathing of these profiles.. 

     How were you banned exactly? Just out of the blue when you were looking at your bot?

  2. On 6/27/2017 at 7:35 AM, Zan said:

    What profile are you using?


    12 hours ago, x11r6 said:

    Lost 2 / 3 bots aswell. The toons did almost zero questing, just grinding. Both got to 70 in a few days...they were botting for 16h/day. The one that (hopefully) survived looks less "bottish" (some quest, slower progress to 70).


     What class were your bots? When your bots were banned, did it affect any other accounts? And if it didn't, were you running a proxy or VPN? Also, where were you botting? I'm trying to bot in places where there isn't a lot of people. Maybe if the bot never gets reported the GM will never care to look at it?

  3. Hi all, this morning I saw a pretty big banwave for botters. All perma.

    Does anyone know how exactly they find and ban these botters? The only thing I have been doing atm is just XP and skinning mostly. Would being in a desolate place that no one ever really goes to be safe?

    Also, can Warmane track which characters you mail/trade items or gold to? If so, what would be the best method to transfer stuff? And is there any other way that Warmane can tie your account to another account (such as IP address) to ban? I've seen some account names banned that I'm pretty sure are the same people.

    Any other tips or best practices about avoiding bans and staying safe would also be appreciated :)

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