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Posts posted by Alaron

  1. On 1/16/2022 at 4:42 AM, RickZz said:

    We're paying for the bot and Stormforge is a private server, not retail, why wouldn't we expect it to work? updates and support are why we're paying a subscription...

    This 100%. I'm happy i googled Wrobot and Stormforge. I would have wasted money on a sub to this bot and probably never see a fix. Not to mention the lack of communication.

  2. 12 hours ago, eeny said:

    Is there any reason you are using this method of movement over a followpath??

    Personally I'm a fan of a followpath pulse if i know the bot is going to need something more than native navigation...

    I use Followpath if the quest is a Go talk to x but I was using this code for Kill and loot or gather quests. Once completed do this code so the bot takes a predefined path and looks more normal. 

  3. Hello, I've been messing with profiles and got some help form a community member, but I have a question regarding this piece of code.


    //Start Movement
                Vector3 startPoint = new Vector3(-8863.688f, -211.7936f, 80.63557f);
                IEnumerable<Vector3> paths = new List<Vector3>() {
    new Vector3(-8863.688f, -211.7936f, 80.63557f, "None"),
    new Vector3(-8865.09f, -216.894f, 80.96149f, "None"),
    new Vector3(-8867.372f, -223.5137f, 81.30844f, "None"),
    new Vector3(-8867.26f, -229.2805f, 81.51604f, "None"),
    new Vector3(-8861.448f, -232.0775f, 81.7221f, "None"),
    new Vector3(-8855.631f, -228.725f, 81.67682f, "None"),
    new Vector3(-8851.373f, -225.6607f, 81.73775f, "None"),
    new Vector3(-8851.373f, -225.6607f, 81.73775f, "None")
                if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(startPoint) < 300)
                    // Process waypoints
                    foreach (Vector3 waypoint in paths)
                        // Move to the given position
                        MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(waypoint), false);
                        // Loop
                        while (MovementManager.InMovement && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause)
                            // Wait follow path
                    // Stop movement
                    // End Movement

    It works great, only issue I have is when the bot approaches it next Vector3 it stops for a split second before preceding on. Looks abnormal and not human like. Is there a way to smooth it out? I've tried adjusting the Thread.Sleep() function with a lower number but the results are the same. Something else I've tried it running Wrobot with the No Frame Lock. 

    Maybe this is a limitation to the bot or I'm simply overlooking some simple any advise or help would be greatly appreciated. 

  4. Hello, I'm working on mages first class quest. I got the mage to accept the quest by doing a followpath for the first quest "Speak with Jennea" The next quest Mirror lake is to use an item in a location. I got that, problem is when she tries to turn it in she attempts to speak to the npc from the base of the tower. Is there a way for me to do another follow path?

    Private server Wrobot 3.3.5a


    Still learning all this stuff so sorry if the answer is simple.



  5. hello I'm trying to figure out how to make this faire fire work in my fight class.

    I have it at priority 1 right now to try to get it working, I've tried without conditions and I've tried with Target buff by me.. cant get it cast the spell though.

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