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Posts posted by pecorino

  1. Yep, certainly does. Vanilla does as well. You can manually edit the config file to 144hz (or whichever hz you want). But that answers my question. Thanks! BTW, i did try doing a fresh wrobot install with your FC, no plugins at all, and zero addons installed. I still can't get hawk or berzerking to work, but all my other abilities work. Just FYI. Also it wont resume autoshot after it feigns. This is why i was asking about framelock, cause it's exhibiting this behavior with a 100% fresh profile.

    Eagerly awaiting the rewrite; I helped you beta test your vanilla fc and it's top notch.

  2. Does this FC require frame lock? On some FC i have to set my refresh to 60hz, turn on vsync so the fc performs as it should. I'm not sure if this is mentioned somewhere. I would prefer to play on 144hz if possible.

  3. Hey there. Some bugs on Netherwing using 2.1.3:

    1. Aspect of the Hawk does not cast for me when enabled

    2. Berserking racial does not cast for me when enabled and set to Cooldown

    3. Rapid Fire does not cast for me when enabled and set to Cooldown

    4. If i get aggro from my pet and bot feigns, bot will lay there feigned until pet kills target. Not sure if intentional.

    5. rarely bot never engages autoshoot on some fights. 

    6. sometimes bot chooses to run away from mobs instead of looting (unsure if this has anything to do with your fc, but my other bots dont exhibit this behavior)

    7. when fighting multiple mobs, bot *should* try to use pet to get aggro on everything hitting hunter that isn't also CC'd. Instead, bot will try to kill mobs one at a time, usually resulting in a death with densely packed mobs such as desolace.


    I'll post here again if i encounter any more odd things like that. After many levels these are the most common annoyances.

  4. Hey there Ordush. I have your quality rotations and they're wonderful. I have a question - is there a possibility you could write a rotation to camp an exact area for a spawn, say, Lupos and spam tame pet so immediately when he spawns he can be tamed and fed?

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