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Everything posted by Hzqvkr8aTLw4rv

  1. I'll give that a shot, though it's still a bug =)
  2. Also the profile you linked (https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1222-feral-druid-1-70/) was a "feral" profile that made my char cast wrath and such, not very great example tbh :P
  3. No but i've tested this code: new Spell("Mangle (Cat)").Launch(); manglecat.Launch(); Which works for these spells: Shadowmeld Regrowth Prowl Mark of the Wild Thorns Rejuvenation Claw Ferocious Bite Rake Aquatic Form So there's definitely something that's not right, i'll try an XML fightclass I just made a fightclass with the generator tooly thingy: https://gist.github.com/Lillecarl/39eac371cc4313a719f64a75c943daf7 This didn't cast Faerie Fire (Feral) on the target, so i'll keep assuming it's broken. Right now i'm using this piece of pretty code for Faerie Fire: if (target != null && target.IsAttackable && !target.HaveBuff("Faerie Fire") && !target.HaveBuff("Faerie Fire (Feral)") && !player.HaveBuff("Prowl")) { if (player.HaveBuff("Cat Form") || player.HaveBuff("Bear Form") || player.HaveBuff("Dire Bear Form")) { if (WoWAPI.WoWAPI.GetDistance(player, target) < faeriefireferal.MaxRange) { // For some reason this spell is bugged and can't be cast like other spells... Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 5)"); Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 4)"); Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 3)"); Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 2)"); Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 1)"); } } else faeriefire.LaunchUsable(true); } Not very pretty :/
  4. I've tested this on 2.4.3, can't tell for other patches.
  5. Spells like "Mangle (Cat)" or "Faeire Fire (Feral)" doesn't work. When using the IsSpellUsable property it always returns false, and if you just try to Launch the spell anyways it doesn't get cast Would be very appreciated if this could be taken care of :)
  6. I'm doing this for the lolz though, and possibly make a good opensource system for others to build fightclasses on. I've already managed to get the exact manacost from spells with a set manacost, but spells such as Cat Form use % of base mana, and getting base mana is rather impossible afaik (so i'll have to use data from TBC-DB) I used to do hacky custom systems for private servers but i've grown rather tired of it. So i thought i'll be hobbycoding some here instead :) Thanks for the info about Pawn btw, will be useful! :)
  7. Damn you've done some heavy lifting here! Yes indeed, if you were to convert the Spell*.dbc files into .SQL (i could assist you with that if you're interested) then that looks like a pretty solid build to me. If i'm reading documentation right it seems like you're not exposing SQLite to the "user", it'd be a really dope feature to include that freedom. Then "users" could create their own tables programmatically and fill them with data they gather while the bot is running (probably not very useful though) and could also query for anything they find useful =) I definitely like this idea. EXTRA: Idk if there's a gearscore addon for 2.4.3, but it'd be real dope to implement one of those into the lib (along with items), this way we could determine what item's players should be equipped with according to magic formulas =) Do you guys hang around some IRC, Discord or Slack maybe? Would be cool to ball ideas around with you guys =)
  8. Yes it would be really cool if the dbcreader was implemented into wrobot, but the loading was optional (because distributing DBC files isn't very legal iirc) I'm also looking into exporting data about all items (from TBC-DB) into a CSV or smth, and another table that handles "classlevelstats" or whatever it's called. Maybe you can get this with Lua, but my idea is that with this we could implement a way to predict things better (damage to be caused by a spell before it's casted, healing done by a spell). With this one could eliminate "all" (not taking criticals into account probably) overhealing, start popping rogue finishing moves when they're predicted to kill (good to optimize leveling classes). I'm really shit with the actual AI part, since i barely can play WoW. But this could be a fun project! :)
  9. That Lua thingy was useful to know though (How you call Lua) :)
  10. 2.4.3 DBC (fightclass will create DBC folder in bot root) https://mega.nz/#!Fl1nVRyC!w6szGtAhEGUvho1Du5n1ZMB834L28Fg08oFYgOcjU6U FightClass that loads Spell DBC files and a child class to Spell where you easily can access this spelldata from https://github.com/Lillecarl/FightClass1 That's all i've got for now, thanks for your help reapler! :)
  11. Aah thanks, i didn't even know SpellManager.KnowSpell existed, nice snippet there! =)
  12. Hi! When creating a spell like new Spell("Regrowth", false) it'll get the first rank of the spell. So i thought id list all spellid's and iterate through tem and get the highest one by checking KnownSpell, but it seems to always be returning true. Is this intended behavior? This is kinda related to the Mana issue i faced in another thread. (I've implemented reading DBC files extracted from the client, so i can get all spellinfo available, but now i must know the highest rank (spellid) known to the player) When this starts to look like something somewhat useful i'm thinking that i'll opensource this and make a fightclass (hopefully together with other people) that'll work good for all classes! :) Best Regards Carl
  13. I've already implemented a C# dbc reader from https://github.com/TrinityCore/SpellWork/tree/0.12/ into my fightclass that reads all the spell DBC, it'll be OpenSource once i've cleaned it up to a non embarrassing level.
  14. I'll probably go with the latter, the reason IsUsableSpell isn't enough is because sometimes i must check if player has enough mana to cast 2 spells, say i'm in Cat Form and wanna heal myself. Then i better have enough mana to land regrowth and cat form, else i'm better of fighting in catform til i have mana for both :) Imo those are things that should be in the API, to help the community grow! =) I might just extract all spellcosts from dbc files and put them in a dictionary. Cheers =)
  15. First i'll just link to what i'm working on. It's a fightclass for Feral Druids (leveling atm, thought it'd be fun to try this out while leveling) https://gist.github.com/Lillecarl/22b3c8170c1070873ca4dfcc607b98ac Both Spell and SpellInfo classes contain very little information, i'd love to get the power (mana) requirements from spells by their names in some easy fashion. Can this be done in some way, i skimmed through wManager with dnSpy, but i didn't find anything of use there. Best Regards Carl
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