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  1. Okay problems solved for me. Judgment was wrong written, I wrote "Judgement" (dunno if the bot suggest it...) and "Lay On Hands" was the suggestion, but the name of the spell is "Lay on Hands". I guess the other problems are some kind of that
  2. I tried a Pala profile online here.... Don´t know why, but "Judgement" could be found now... "Lay on hands" not
  3. I tried a Fight Class which only contains Judgement. WRobot suggests me "Judgement". I clicked it and started. When I click on "Debug" I can see following: [Debug] 21:19 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Judgement => Failed
  4. Also "Judgement" from the pala couldn´t be found.... There are some spells WRobot does not know :/ Maybe with an update - would be very nice :)
  5. Version 1.0


    this is a SV PVP Profile, it will work while PVE as well I think. The Buffdetection is in German, if u want it in English. Just reply to this and I will upload the filein english too. - Deterrence - Disengage - Scatter Shot - Rapid Fire - Stampede - Silencing Shot - Feign Death - Kill Shot - Hunters Mark - Serpent Sting - Black Arrow - Glaive Toss - Explosive Shot - Blink Strike - Arcane Shot - Cobra Shot If there are any improvements, don´t hesitate to ask me :)
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