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Posts posted by egei25

  1. Hello i actually make my own 1-80 Profile and every thing works fine if he got lvl 70 he goes to shattrath takes the portal to Orgrimmar, then he goes to the zeppelin to Undercity and takes them. 

    So in Undercity(Tirisfal Glades) the Problem starts i dont get the entry from the Zeppelin both (195459) Entry Vengeance Zeppelin and (181689) Entry Cloudkisser dont work?

    He just stands in the waiting Position and waits forever ?


    I figured out if im in the waiting Position in Tirisfal (in front of the Zeppelin) Wrobot get it as Gameobject:

    Nearest GameObject informations:

    Name: Vengeance Landing Zeppelin (Entry: 195459 )
    IsBlacklisted = False
    CreatedBy = 0
    DisplayId = 9036
    FlagsInt = 0
    Flags = 0
    Position = 2068,04 ; 354,245 ; 85,71 ; "None"
    Name = Vengeance Landing Zeppelin
    GetDistance = 7,774184
    GetDistance2D = 7,066673
    GetDistanceZ = 3,240379
    ParentRotation = 0
    Data0 = 1
    Data1 = 1
    Data8 = 0
    GOType = Generic
    IsMailbox = False
    LockEntry = 0
    CanOpen = False
    SkillLineRequired = None
    IsOutdoors = True
    IsIndoors = False
    Matrix = [[M11:1,748976 M12:0,6029778 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:-0,6029778 M22:1,748976 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:1,85 M34:0] [M41:2068,04 M42:354,245 M43:85,71 M44:1]]
    IsMDXCollidable = True
    IsGoodInteractDistance = False
    InteractDistanceByEntry = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Single]
    InteractDistance = 3,7
    GetBaseAddress = 505942312
    IsValid = True
    GetDescriptorStartAddress = 505942848
    Guid = 17370387042025872908
    Type = GameObject
    Entry = 195459
    Scale = 1,85

    but if i stand on the Zeppelin in tirisfal Wrobot get it as Gamobject: 

    Nearest GameObject informations:

    Name: Zeppelin, Horde (Cloudkisser) (Entry: 181689 )
    IsBlacklisted = False
    CreatedBy = 0
    DisplayId = 7546
    FlagsInt = 40
    Flags = Transport, DoesNotDespawn
    Position = 2056,493 ; 381,6347 ; 100,362 ; "None"
    Name = Zeppelin, Horde (Cloudkisser)
    GetDistance = 19,47993
    GetDistance2D = 7,732338
    GetDistanceZ = 17,87955
    ParentRotation = 0
    Data0 = 737
    Data1 = 30
    Data8 = 0
    GOType = MoTransport
    IsMailbox = False
    LockEntry = 0
    CanOpen = False
    SkillLineRequired = None
    IsOutdoors = True
    IsIndoors = False
    Matrix = [[M11:0,9247022 M12:0,3806913 M13:0 M14:0] [M21:-0,3806913 M22:0,9247022 M23:0 M24:0] [M31:0 M32:0 M33:1 M34:0] [M41:2056,493 M42:381,6347 M43:100,362 M44:1]]
    IsMDXCollidable = True
    IsGoodInteractDistance = False
    InteractDistanceByEntry = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Single]
    InteractDistance = 3,7
    GetBaseAddress = 505939768
    IsValid = True
    GetDescriptorStartAddress = 505940304
    Guid = 2287828610704211979
    Type = GameObject
    Entry = 181689
    Scale = 1


    the First time from 1-70 im so confused and dont find anything in the forums ?

    so pls help *kiss*

    and sorry for my bad english ?


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