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Posts posted by Pepperoni

  1. Where do I put that? I know nothing about coding - I just copied that code from another profile. Could you be so kind to write the code for me? And I'm just going to explain everything I did so it's easier for you to help me.


    I made a quester profile with different "quest steps". The quest steps tells the bot to go to a specific zone and grind herbalism there. When my character reaches a certain skill in Herbalism it goes to the next step and that is to go to the herbalism trainer and learn a higher version of Herbalism. 

    And the only issue is that whenever I start this bot profile it just instantly goes the herbalism trainer - but after that it follows the right steps. So where do I put that condition you mentioned?

    This is how it all looks like:

    Wrobot Pic.png

  2. Hi. How do I set the bot up so it goes to the herbalist trainer when needed? I currently use a script in the quester profile and it works, however every time I start the bot profile it goes to that script even though I don't need it.


    This is the code I use in the Quests order editor: 

    (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(-8969.99, 779.636, 95.89198), 5566)) // replace 1, 2, 3 by position, and 12345 by npc entry id


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