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  1. Just got a popup message from the bot saying Debugger Program Detected with an "okay" button and when you click it the bot stopped. What does this mean?
  2. Anyone have any ideas on this?
  3. So is there a foxflower chaser plugin that actually works? I've searched the thread and downloaded the ones I could find and nothing seems to work properly. The best one so far seems to target the foxflower that spawns from the fox but only gets in herbing range and doesn't actually walk over the nodes. It does manage to gather a couple of them but it will not resume until all foxflower are picked up in which case you have to manually gather the foxflower when the fox spawns. Anyone know of a fix or plugin that works properly? I have attached the plugin that I've described, maybe just some tweaking to get it working properly. Many thanks! FoxFlowerGatherer.cs
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