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Posts posted by dubwub

  1. 5 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, replace 



    "_engine.StartEngine(5, "", true);"

    (and check if you dispose correctly your fightclass)

    Thanks that looks to have fixed it, and below is my Dispose() method, is anything I'm missing in there?

        public void Dispose()
            Logging.WriteDebug("Dispose() Called");
            if (_engine == null) return;


  2. I'm having an issue with a new fight class I created, it seems to only load 1 SpellState into the Engine so the bot just sits there and auto attacks, I'm not sure what I've done wrong.

    I've also manually set Sinister Strike to priority 1 which caused it to get loaded and the bot would only cast Sinister Strike and nothing else in the state list.


    Console output during initialization:

    [D] 23:00:27 - Init
    [D] 23:00:27 - [Spell] Evasion (Id found: 5277, Name found: Evasion, NameInGame found: Evasion, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
    [D] 23:00:27 - [Spell] Eviscerate (Id found: 6761, Name found: Eviscerate, NameInGame found: Eviscerate, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
    [D] 23:00:27 - [Spell] Backstab (Id found: 2590, Name found: Backstab, NameInGame found: Backstab, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
    [D] 23:00:28 - [Spell] Riposte (Id found: 14251, Name found: Riposte, NameInGame found: Riposte, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
    [D] 23:00:28 - [Spell] Sinister Strike (Id found: 1758, Name found: Sinister Strike, NameInGame found: Sinister Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True)
    [D] 23:00:28 - Spell Evasion - 1
    [D] 23:00:28 - Spell Eviscerate - 2
    [D] 23:00:28 - Spell Backstab - 3
    [D] 23:00:28 - Spell Riposte - 4
    [D] 23:00:28 - Spell Sinister Strike - 5
    [D] 23:00:28 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.SpellState already launched, ignore it.
    [D] 23:00:28 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.SpellState already launched, ignore it.
    [D] 23:00:28 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.SpellState already launched, ignore it.
    [D] 23:00:28 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.SpellState already launched, ignore it.
    23:00:28 - Spell Evasion - 1


    Any help would be appreciated.

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