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Everything posted by Loki

  1. Its probably doable but why not make a party?
  2. Ok so its not just me. Im sure droidz is troubleshooting this. Good feedback guys
  3. Regarding conditions, less is more. Never but in conditions coz you "think" it should be there. Most often you only need one, or two. And whenever you put in a new spell in your class you have to think through your priorities. A new spell can fk up everything. As your mount-catform-mount-catform just did. Less is more ppl, never forget.
  4. Prowl should be a problem at all. What is the problem for you? Does it break prowl or will it not get into prowl at all? Shouldnt need any conditions at all. My first thought is to check "only use in combat" is false on your top right part of profile creator. Check those options and get back to thread with result
  5. Range to target, bigger than 20. Keyword is bigger. Set range to whatever you prefer if 20 is too much.
  6. "catform" with target true and range to target 20 conditions would work perfect. High priority in the list
  7. Also noteworthy is that Im getting loads of "Node stuck" the past 4-5 days. Maybe this is server side from Blizz?
  8. So basically Im gathering mats and an evil bird gets in my way that needs to die. Takes the regular 2 sec to kill it. When its dead the char just stands there and pop CDs every 30 sec. Looking in the logs it appears that he is "still fighting". Although he has no aggro ingame (I can mount i.e., which you cant if aggroed). Only happened once bug but here is the log. And yes, I have [debug] on, but there is nothing to debug :) LOG - 20 apr 2013 16H08.html
  9. Its probably very doable. However quite useless since you should never leave the bot unattended for so long, especially not in BGs. And damn horde for winning every round...
  10. Bind X to sit. This is a must (also default)
  11. Oh god Im bad. I answered a complete diffrent question :) Id like to add though that I also had a problem earier with the bot not opening mailbox when he was right next to it. I cleared my "do not send" list and apperantly one of the objects on that list was the reason why it didnt open. It has worked fine after that. Give it a try. All your important shit is soulbound anyway and wont be mailed.
  12. There is a setting in general settings called "scan for npc mailbox" with the variable of range. Im not sure if your mailbox have to be within that range to fly to it. i always add a vendor around the mailbox since the bot will visit vendor first. I guess Droidz has to confirm this is the case
  13. Well you know me.... If there are 5k dps to gain I will fight til the end to get it :P
  14. Hello bros and pros So on my Atonement build (and any other casting class) I have my char spamming Smite when none of the higher priorities are avaliable. This is obv working well and as it should. But. When the cast is done, there is a small 10-20 ms pause before the bot starts to cast again. When I do it manually, I can press the cast button half a sec before the cast is finished to have it cast again exactly when fhe first cast ends. This gives me a nice flow with no pauses at all. I cant get the bot to do this, I want that little pause between casts gone. I have tried with 0 timer, ive tried with 132ms timer (my cast time). Ive tried with 10ms timer in hope of the bot spamming the second cast while the first is still casting in hope of getting it to cast the second instantly after the first finishes. Why is the pause? Is it the time the bot needs to go through the list of priorities perhaps?
  15. Name it mailbox Choose mailbox from the dropdown Click Add name/npc button This will do it
  16. Ok I leave that to droidz to troubleshoot. Never heard of it before. Addon maybe? Sounds so strange. But he is the pro, he will find the sollution
  17. Oh do mind that you should stand next to the mailbox when you add it to your profile. That might me it.
  18. When does it say not found? When you are at it?
  19. Does it run at all? Even for a minute? Or does it close as you hit play?
  20. Its at the bottom of the list where you choose grinder, gatherer and such. When its on the bot uses your fightclass rotation but uou can still move pretty freely. It will attack whatever you target. Hotkey to turn it on and off in battle is ALT+X. Be sure not to pull a boss or something stupid by targeting it though. Ppl will get angry. Also note that the bot will move to the target and stay at the range you have in your fightclass. Although you can still move sideways to avoid shit on the floor. Practice first against mobs in pandaria before you use it in a raid so you fully understand the mechanics. Ask again if you have more questions.
  21. Its not afk'able to run bots in dun/raid. Although Wrotation is awesome. Running duns with looms in group is fast way to lvl though. If you also have RaF its superfast.
  22. Actually most often their name is "mailbox". Write that in the bottom box called npc name and then choose Alliance-mailbox from the pulldown menu above. Done, mailbox added
  23. Bot atarted since 2880 is a security shutdown. Its in your bot settings. Turn it off til droidz has shared his wisdom.
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