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Everything posted by Loki

  1. Ive said it many times before. If there is one community where the admins listen to their customers its this one. Again, awesome! It dorsnt matter if I win a lifetime sub or not, Im still using this as long as I play wow coz of the excellent support.
  2. The way I solved it is to make it hit when its overlayed. Do note that the buff stack problem remains. I mean, what if I want AA to hit on 3 evangelism stacks instead? The condition "buff stack" didnt work. I simply found another way of fire AA through overlay instead but next time I might want/need to use an amount of buff stacks.
  3. Solved! I made a Lua Script for it as per Mind Flay thread. NEVER GIVE UP!
  4. Perhaps "Evangelism" needs to be added to the condition list as: Arcane Charges Light Force Dark Force Holy Power Shadow Orbs I guess that would be very welcomed and easy to do. But its not something you collect like i.e. Shadow Orbs, this IS a self buff that stacks. Or a condition called "Me has buff stack" incase that is not what "Buff Stack" already means.
  5. Oki my question is very easy. Im working on my disc priest which is more or less my main nowdays. Atonement healing is the way to go. You simply spam Penance, Holy Fire and Smite til you get 5 stacks of Evangelism and then hit Archangel for some extra sauce on that damage and healing. So, on top of my priority list I have this (key parts) Archangel Buff: yes (I have also tried no for fun) Conditions - "Buff stack; Evangelism, 5, Egal" (I have also tried bigger than 4) I have also tried with more condition even though I dont think its needed "Is Spell usable; Archangel; True" "Me In Combat; True" ID for Evangelism is 81662 (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=81662) ID for Archangel is 81700 (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=81700) Im thinking that perhaps Evangelism isnt a buff? Perhaps we have another Smite (Mind Flay) problem here where evangelism is just the "Mind Flay" of some other spell. So help me out here coz this is super annoying. important that Evangelism has to be 5 stacked for maximum performance. Thanks ppl o7o7
  6. I had an Aprilia FS1 back in the days. Oh how I miss those days.
  7. No offense but thats not how you make money. Let me tell you why with an example. With a customer base of 1300, if only 5% (65) could get only ONE person to buy only ONE month in april that otherwise would not, that nets 65x1x$4,50=$292 Id say that covers a lifetime sub as it equals 6 years. Then if only 20% choose to continue their sub you get 1 year extra each month. This is counting VERY low. Id say its reasonable to count 10% of your current userbase can get 2 each with 50% that stay. That equals 260 new subs in april at $1170 net sales and $585 each month from may and forward. So no, im not considering the amount if money you would give away on a lifetime sub because it is peanuts. Dont be greedy, anyone that gets even one person to sign up is a hero and shall be treated like one. Remove the minimum, take a risk, encourage ALL 1300 to help out and count the profit later. This is basic mouth to mouth business and is extreamly profitable if done right.
  8. Minimum 20 is actually kinda harsh. Its almost one per day. Alot of ppl wont even bother (me incl) coz I will not reach 20. Admins: you rather want 1300 ppl recruit 2-3 each than 10 ppl recruiting 25. Reconsider and make the minimum 0 or max 5. That way WAY more ppl will atleast give it a shot. Like this post if you agree.
  9. Your grinder should have nothing to do with it. Ita deffo in your fightclass
  10. There is a button below your answer box to the right. Click it and add a file.
  11. Can you attach the fight class all together. Afaik none of those conditions are of any use.
  12. Might need CCleaner or manually clear regedit. Ive had that issue with another program.
  13. Disclaimer: This is copy paste from wowpedia. It might not include ALL but its a good start.
  14. Actually, if you get your crafting professions to 600 at lvl 85 and then grind to 90 you will get all plans, recipies and such as drops. I did that on my JC char and was a nice bonus. All primal diamonds just like that :) Made alot of gold for me :)
  15. When you are doing a fight class, go through this list and see if you have all the procs. Death Knight Cinderglacier (Runeforging) Dark Transformation Killing Machine Rime (Freezing Fog) Rune Strike Sudden Doom Crimson Scourge Will of the Necropolis Scent of Blood Glyph of Dark Succor (off by default) Druid Combo Points Eclipse Nature's Grace Predator's Swiftness Omen of Clarity Owlkin Frenzy Shooting Stars Hunter Kill Shot Master Marksman (Fire!) Thrill of the Hunt Lock and Load Mage Arcane Charge Arcane Missiles Blazing Speed Brain Freeze Fingers of Frost Heating Up Hot Streak Monk Combo Breaker: Tiger Palm Combo Breaker: Blackout Kick Vital Mists Elusive Brew Chi Paladin Art of War Daybreak Denounce Grand Crusader Infusion of Light Hammer of Wrath Selfless Healer Glyph of Double Jeopardy (off by default) Holy Power Bastion of Glory Priest Borrowed Time Divine Insight Evangelism Serendipity Surge of Light Surge of Darkness Glyph of Mind Spike Shadow Orb Rogue Combo Points Anticipation Dispatch Blindside Shaman Elemental Focus Searing Flame Lava Surge Lightning Shield Maelstrom Weapon Tidal Waves Warlock Backdraft Backlash Havoc Molten Core Nightfall Shadowburn Demonic Rebirth Soul Shards Burning Embers Demonic Fury Warrior Bloodsurge Raging Blow Meat Cleaver Execute Ultimatum Incite Overpower Revenge Sudden Death Sword and Board Taste for Blood Victory Rush
  16. As if now there is no such thing as questing or dun profile. We still hope for one of the programmers to think something up :)
  17. So you can use that as condition instead of the Lua. Thats good stuff! But I mean a list of what spell procs into what proc and what spell that benefits from it. Should be a full list of all these.
  18. Thats not very searchable Im afraid. Im gonna google it ehen i get back home. Someone somewhere has to have made such a list. Id like something that says: Raging Blow ID1234 (on Enrage proc (ID567)) Mind Spike ID345 (on Surge of Darkness proc (ID678)) And so on. If there is no such, I will make it happen. The result of this list will be better fight classes that are higher dps and more mana/rage efficient. Im sure such list would be greatly appriciated by our ppl. But as I sayd, I'll sort it. Keep eyes open for thread.
  19. I was thinking flying along the coast blacklisting radius 200yds at the time. This will take a while to do but very doable. It will create a blacklist wall around the continent.
  20. Where do I find a list with the IDs of procs to make more lua scripts?
  21. Cant you simply blacklist the sea? And also, at lvl 90, does archeology give you any nice endgame stuff? In that case I better start leveling.
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