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Posts posted by YatagarasuKamisan

  1. 18 hours ago, haligy said:

    so can someone pls help me 



    btw for Quest profiles i must pay or not for leveling into 110? i start in asura ...TY FOR ANSWER

    WRobot have no profiles built in, so you need to either create them yourself or buy profiles other people have made.
    I suggest checking out Camelot, he has some good profiles for Legion Zones. 

    Example, Azsuna: 


  2. Hey!

    Whenever I start the bot, it changes my foreground FPS to 20 and my background FPS to 50.
    Any way to change this or remove it completely? It's quite annoying to have to manually alter this everytime I have to do something manually after firing up the bot.


    How do I remove/change the automatic FPS lock?

    Thanks in advance, sincerely

  3. On 1/12/2018 at 4:18 PM, Droidz said:


    Yes of course I'll add 64 bit support (and I'm going to start working on it before release, it's a lot of change)

    Out of curiousity; What's the major difference between a x86 and x64 program?
    I understand the very basic of basics (more RAM supported etc), but never understod why developers don't program their "apps"/programs for x64 to begin with.

  4. 4 hours ago, BetterSister said:

    The bot itself doesn't do anything without profiles. Make your own profiles or use what people have made

    That's the main issue I have at the moment, how can a product that's more expensive than its competitors have less built-in functionality?
    I mean, you would at least expect the bot to ship with a bunch of "baseline profiles" like Fighting Classes and such.

    7 hours ago, payyn518 said:

    I also used HB for the last 3 years and I'm going to miss it, but I think you are going to get some negative feedback from this post. I recommend getting on discord and get to know the community because there is a lot good support and I see progress daily. 

    2 hours ago, CocoChanel said:

    Look at the size of the Honorbuddy community compared to the one of WRobot. Just wait a bit, there is already a few people working on a 1-110 quester :-)

    I expected to take a lot of flack for this post, but I was genuinely pissed off last night after spending over 4 hours trying to even get the bot to run in the slightest.
    So far the maintenance of just babysitting the bot have taken more time than to actually just farm mats/level my characters by myself, which is kind off contra-productive in my opinion.

    I hope things will get better since seemingly a lot of HB users are coming over here, but as stated above I am feeling a bit screwed over by the lack of baseline content you get with a subscription that's more expensive than its competitors - It's like Bethesda all over, ship an incomplete product and then expect the community to pick up the slack with mods (in this case, profiles/routines/fighting classes).


  5. So, since HB took the spade to the face I came here after looking around the web for a replacement - This looked cool and intuitive!
    However, after spending the initial 9€/month fee to try it for a month, then 10€ on the only 1-70 Quester profile that's not grinding mobs, I have come to the conclusion that the money I've put forward doesn't actually do me anything...

    The bot doesn't come with built-in leveling, no profiles to run LFG/LFR, heck not even a single decent combat profile for all the specs in the game are included in the base release of the bot. 
    Does this bot ship with anything, or do the developers expect me to create a profile for everything myself, like I am paying for the use of a framework?
    I mean, Eeny's quester and dedku's grinder are so riddled with bugs/crashes/freezes that I don't understand how they are the top contenders for leveling profiles - They're breaking down more often than an old Volkswagen!

    Sorry, I might have become spoiled from using Honorbuddy that came with all the bells and whistles (including the amazing Kicks 1-110 quest leveling and Trinity for combat). But from what I can tell this bot have been around for a while, so I did expect some more built-in functionality and better support from the 'community' in terms of free profiles at least.

    If I am missing something grand here, please enlighten me, cause' I am on the brink of refunding my PayPal purchases after trying to use the product for less than 24 hours already.

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