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Posts posted by Donkomon

  1. I already tried it.

    My state, after adding, the text should be spammed. But there is nothing

    public class TestState : robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.State
        public override string DisplayName
            get { return "TestState"; }
        public override int Priority
            get { return priority; }
            set { priority = value; }
        private int priority;
        public override bool NeedToRun
                if (!Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause || Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore)
                   return false;
                   return true;
        public override List<robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.State> NextStates
            get { return new List<robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.State>(); }
        public override List<robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.State> BeforeStates
            get { return new List<robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.State>(); }
        public override void Run()
            Logging.Write("TestState", Logging.LogType.Normal, System.Drawing.Color.BlueViolet); 


  2. Hello, сan you show a working example of adding a new  wManager.Wow.Bot.States? Quester bot via .cs file


    Can you also add functions to the bot?

    Me.SubZoneId == 111
    ItemsManager.UseItem() - by WoWItem, not entry
    Me.GetAllAuras().Any(a => (a.Spell.Mechanic == WoWSpellMechanic.Stunned || a.Spell.Mechanic == WoWSpellMechanic.Fleeing || a.Spell.Mechanic == 
    WoWSpellMechanic.Asleep || a.Spell.Mechanic == WoWSpellMechanic.Charmed) && a.TimeLeft.TotalSeconds >= 2))

    and fix this

    wManager.Wow.Helpers.Bag.PickupContainerItem - just does not work.
    wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWith(WoWGameObject) - goes to the object and does not interact, with npc works fine.
  3. Can you add any working example?
    My code either produces errors or the state does nothing.

    Can you also add functions to the bot?

    Me.SubZoneId == 111
    ItemsManager.UseItem() - by WoWItem, not entry
    Me.GetAllAuras().Any(a => (a.Spell.Mechanic == WoWSpellMechanic.Stunned || a.Spell.Mechanic == WoWSpellMechanic.Fleeing || a.Spell.Mechanic == 
    WoWSpellMechanic.Asleep || a.Spell.Mechanic == WoWSpellMechanic.Charmed) && a.IsActive && a.TimeLeft.TotalSeconds >= 2))

    and fix this

    wManager.Wow.Helpers.Bag.PickupContainerItem - just does not work.
    wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWith(WoWGameObject) - goes to the object and does not interact, with npc works fine.


  4. After loot nps is added to the blacklist, can this be set?

    And there is one more question. Can I pause the activity of the bot (for example, quest profile) so that the plugin executes its code and turn it back on again.

  5. Hi, how can I add npc to blacklist on a pull, combat or loot?

    This code only gives ignore pull.

    wManager.wManagerSetting.AddBlackListNpcEntry(111, true);

    Like HB code

    Blacklist.Add(Me.CurrentTarget, BlacklistFlags.Combat, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120))
    Blacklist.Add(Me.CurrentTarget, BlacklistFlags.Loot, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120))


  6. thanks, but this is a very uncomfortable way.

    better to use

    public class Declaration
      public static uint Zone;

    Is it possible to implement custom "wManager.Wow.Class.QuestAction" in a bot?


    <QuestsSorted Action="InteractWith" MobId="123" />
    <QuestsSorted Action="MoveTo" X="111" Y="111" Z="111" />


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