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Posts posted by rakushasu

  1. 19 hours ago, Avvi said:


    First of all thank you for your reply! I found the maximum target option and it seems the bot is not dying as often anymore. Also seems that it works best with mobs that are of the same level or below. Changing the food value also helped. I am honestly not bothered by paying more for food. So thanks again.

    The selling and mailing issues seem to happen because the bot tried to mail quest items, conjured items and anything else that can't be sold or mailed. So the bot would try over and over for quite some time before stopping to mail or sell altogether. I guess this can be fixed by adding the items in question to the not to mail / sell list.

    In the end I think I was able to fix some of the issues and by pretty much creating my own profiles.

    As for improvements, I think there are too many things you need to set and include / exclude. I know there is often the need for some tweaking with bots, but adding specific types of foods here, what to sell / mail, there and so on. It just seems there are quite a few options that could simply be excluded by the bot in itself (not the option mind you). There were other things, like the bot mailing the skinning knife or the mining pick. It is just frustrating to come back every time and the bot has been doing something weird. I hope you understand what I mean. I think by now I figured most of these things out, but it took my quite some time.
    Another issue are profiles and fight classes. I don't really like to compare the two for obvious reasons, but Honorobuddy came with routine (Singular) and a full fledged set of leveling profiles, making it possible to install the bot, press start and let it run. Now I am well aware that this would probably way too much work for Droidz, but I think the bot should at least include some rudimentary grinding profiles. I know there is the Automaton option, but that too was acting strange at times. In general I think the basic bot should include some more features.


    3 hours ago, Marsbar said:

    I totally understand your frustrations but the bot as a whole is great! 

    Pretty much all of the issues you're explaining can be solved (and have) by people, whether that be via a plugin, fightclass or advanced profiles. The problem is finding all of that information, a wiki doesn't exist so you need to do a lot of forum searching. Another option is raising your questions on discord.


    I kinda got things to work by now, but it was very frustrating. I have joined the discord as well and was able to get some answers and some help. By now I got the bot working pretty adequately. I think it really was mostly profile issues and quite a bit of tweaking that was necessary. 
    And I agree, I think a wiki or something would be a great place, but as said again, that would be quite a lot of effort and I can see that Droidz has other priorities.

  2. So at the moment I am thinking about asking for a refund, since I can't seem to get the bot to work right. Now I am not talking about setup or start, but instead questing or grinding.

    Whatever I do there seem to be problems with the bot. I bought a fight class, which apart from some errors seems to be working great, I bought a plugin which also has some nice features, but in general though, there seems to be many things that are not working.
    First of all I am frustrated with the amount of public profiles and the quality of those. I know people post them for free and I am thankful, it is just that I can't seem to level a character without babysitting it all the time. I started to create my own grinding profiles, which are more or less ok. I'd really like to quest, but had terrible results and after paying for the bot, fight classes and plugins I don't feel like spending yet more money on profiles. 

    Other problems include the bot not regenerating after rezzing or fighting. Instead of sitting down and eating food / drinking mana he rushes on into the next mobs only to die (again). I had a bot trying over and over again due to not regenerating after rezzing but instead starting the fight again. Yes food was checked and the name was entered. I am at a loss. This happened in the starting area no less.

    There are various other smaller problems that are tedious. The bot not selling things or having trouble. The bot not sending mail or trying to send mail again, because he tries to send quest items. The bot rezzing right in the middle of enemies only to die again. The bot attacking multiple enemies at the same time to die. The bot running into groups of enemies when going from A to B to die. Those are just a few of the problems I am encountering. i am not sure if I not setting things up the right way, but I went through most of the settings and seem to more or less have a grasp of what is going on.

    In the end I just feel that this bot is not a finished product. I am aware that programing software and getting things as complex as a bot like this to work is hard, especially when you don't have a full team of programmers. That's why I made this thread. I am asking if other people had similar problems and found ways to save them. I just don't feel like spending more money and especially time on a broken product. I hope people can understand my frustration.

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