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Bear T.O.E.

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Bug Report Comments posted by Bear T.O.E.

  1. Ok well Im working on coding this but Im wondering why it cant be put into a condition cuase the condtion would be













    well at least I think it would work like this.

    in runetype(4) equals the rune type.


    • runeType - Type of the rune (number)
      • 1 - Blood rune
      • 2 - Unholy rune
      • 3 - Frost rune
      • 4 - Death rune

    the rune type can be seperated, by catagory by type.

    Something like this I think.


              <Param xsi:Runetype="Blood">
               <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
                <Name>Gorefiend's Grasp</Name>

  2. I would also add cannot target through walls, and try to target NPC the bot will target them through walls that's a dead giveaway for running the robot. Plus another thing I just thought about is the bot cant target mobs that are not within range or their moves. There are a few NPCs the are out of range of most ranged moves and are visible so the bot will target them and run around trying to hit them but they are out of range so it becomes a loop and gets stuck. And since they are out of range you cant blacklist them because  they out of walking range and or you cant get to them in way fashion o form, and they are part of a quest you have to complete. There should be a special button that will ignore these certain NPCs. So add another button to profile creation called Ignore this certain NPC.

  3. yeah I got it work I noticed I have it working on my Fury spec and then copied the conditions then the spell started working...... With the way I have it set sometimes the bot will start the heroic Leap and then before he lands he charges the target.... lol I looks cool as hell when he does it.... Ill post my Fightclass for people to use. I mean it is really cool looking.

  4. Also I was thinking that there should be a Condition that is a ( Me is Target ).  Meaning the spell is cast on the player ( AKA Me ). This Condition would be for moves that are not usually for targeting a player ( Yourself ). Fir example Death Coil for the DK that can be used to Heal yourself.

  5. There are a few more I can tell you about like the bombs at the starting area in Gates of the Setting Sun, when they explode your bot trys to attack their flaming Line, this does happen in the Saboreur Kip'Tilak boss encounter as well. Also in Throne of Thunder on the Dark Animus encounter the Large Anima Golem's Crimson Wave the bot trys to attack the effect.

  6. Well by the example you posted I should be able to change the creature type to Undead


    isUndead = 0;


    local creatureType = UnitCreatureType(Undead);


    if (creaturetype ==  "Undead") then isUndead = 1; end

  7. Hello,


    For the moment you can use lua condition with UnitRace.



    IsUndead = 0;
    local race, raceEn = UnitRace("target");
    if (raceEn == "Scourge") then IsUndead = 1; end

    I'll add this condition directly in fightclass creator during next update.

    Will this work for NPC's as well?

  8. Sweet ty, I was also thinking about adding in to the condition Me is Stunned the other styles of stuns like Fear, Sleep, and so on.  Cause there are alot of abilities and specs that could benefit from this.

  9. I mean come on we already have auto asign talents, so naturaly this feature would come next. Ow and for the Auto Asign Tallents we the player should be able to choose the talents we want to have auto asigned to our spec. I would add this in as well.

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