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Bear T.O.E.

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Posts posted by Bear T.O.E.

  1. How do I connect 2 or 3 Grinding Zone together? Were when leveling a Pet say the zone you are in you can level from 1 to 6 and once at lvl 6 the XP is to low incoming so you need to move on to another area and that area is good for leveling 6 to 10, then how do we get the bot to stop leveling in the low area and us a Fly Point to get to next area, and or just Mount up and Fly to the next area and resume leveling the Pet? Please explain to me in a step by step so I can get a total grasp on this.

  2. This is a great question but I havent seen one in the download area for questing profiles so Im sure there is someone working on one as we type. But theres profiles take some time to complete and are very meticulis in nature to make. So for all who are wanting this type of questing profile will have to be patient or start learning to make one of their own.

  3. Make Flying Profile and have the bot land and walk ust a little then stop moving and then have the bot set to once its bags are full to mail off the fish, and visit a vender to sell its junk. Once all of that is set you should from no matter where you are in pandaria fly to the beginning of the flying rout, swoop down to the fountain and start fishing if your using the fishing engine. And once your bags are full ... Fly off to a mailbox and then sell your junk and fly back to the flying rout to the fountain.


    This is a reference for adding a vender to your profile.

  4. for most of the moves when the conditions arent working it is best to use the LUA Script Condition and add in a LUA Script you have found to work or a custome LUA Script. This make thing alot easier fro you in the future. There a few good referrences here on the forum and a few great site for use in making the script from scratch.


    Forum URL:

    <-- I use these alot in trying to make new scripts for my classes.




    http://www.lua.org/manual/5.0/manual.html <-- This is an introduction to LUA Scripting, Really good to get familiar with the Scripting type.


    http://www.ownedcore.com <-- this is a forum post at ownedcore. Its a crash corse in LUA Scripting.


    http://www.wowwiki.com/World_of_Warcraft_API <-- Great spot to find some LUA Commands for wow.


    http://wowprogramming.com/ <-- My Favorite spot to find LUA Commands.


    I hope this help you out man.

  5. This is the same Code with out shadow step for those of us that arent spec'ed into this talent.


          <SpellName>--Break Stealth</SpellName>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
                <LuaScript>local attack=0
    if IsStealthed() and UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") then
        if not (UnitIsPVP("target")) and (((UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target") * 100) &gt; 97) or (UnitLevel("target")==-1)) then
    --[[ Ambush only if target is not in PVP and only as Opener OR target is a boss (they are not stuneable, so we prefere Ambush) ]]
            local idPickPocket=921
            local idAmbush=8676
            local nameAmbush=GetSpellInfo(idAmbush)
            local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idPickPocket)
        if (attack==0) then
    --[[ 1. try Ambush (failed if you are not behind the target
                        or you dont now the spell)

         2. try Cheap Shot (failed if unknown)
         3. try Garrote (failed if unknown)
         4. try Revealing Strike (we want to break steal, right ?)
         5. try ( Fifth try? You are not level 20 ????)
                okay, a simple sinister will do the work
            local idSpells={1833,703,84617,1752}
            for i=1,#idSpells do
                local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(idSpells)
                if (duration==0) then
                    local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idSpells)
                    if IsStealthed() and (IsSpellInRange(spellname, "target")==1) then
        --[[ no more try. get near to the target !!! You'are a melee !!! ]]
    if (attack~=0) then
          <DescriptionSpell>Break stealth with ambush, Cheap shot or Garrote</DescriptionSpell>

  6. Thanks for using my Frost DK :). But the reason your not attacking the mob is cause your pet has the aggro and not you. But bot doesn't have aggro detection. So to the bot not having a target is the issue. I haven't thought of a way to get the bot to click tab is pet is in combat yet. But I'm sure that this should be in the programming of the game so that we aren't standing there doing nothing while our pets are killing something and we aren't. that will look really suspicious to GM's in the game.

  7. Are you running any anti-virus or firewall programs? If so you need to make them Ignore this program. Run wow in Admin Mode and the bot as well. Let us know if this helps. Your Notebook is a nice and fairly new so there shouldn't be a problem with memory being an issue. If you don't know how to make wow run in admin mode go  to the games directory and right click wow.exe make sure its the 32 bit one. and go to properties, then comparability tab, check the box that says Run in Administrator Mode. Then hit Apply, and then OK. I would also right click and send a short cut to the desk top and us that Icon to start the game and not the Beta Launcher. Another way to launch the game is to start WRobot and then wait for it to prompt you to start 32-bit mode wow. If you have anymore problems then I would look into way to speed up your Operating System, if you Google how you can usually find 10 or 15 different ways to make your system react faster. Also if your running a Dell, Compaq, Gateway, Acer or any other major companies product took into uninstalling what most Technicians will call Bloat wear, these kind of Programs and bog your system down and make life hell on a lot of systems. Just Google you Model number and uninstall blat wear. I hope this help better than the last post I left you.

  8. Then I would check to see what your in game FPS is? Mouse of the small computer button on your bars to see what it is, plus tell us house much RAM you have and how much RAM wow itself is using. And how much RAM the Robot is using. Then we are going to need to know how much video memory you have. Plus What kind of Video card you are running. How fast is your Processor? All of these thing could be impacting your bots game play. Have you deleted your WRobot installation folder and reinstalled it with a new folder name? Don't forget to save all your costume content you have made or Downloaded.

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