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  1. IEnumerable<Aura> AuraList = ObjectManager.Me.GetAllBuff(); foreach (Aura aura in AuraList) { List<ulong> list = ObjectManager.Me.BuffCastedByAll(aura.GetSpell.Name); Logging.Write(aura.GetSpell.Name + " GUID " + list[0] + " count " + list.Count); } output is below: 17:39:14 - Power Word: Fortitude GUID 0 count 1 17:39:14 - Inner Fire GUID 0 count 1 17:39:14 - Shadow Protection GUID 0 count 1
  2. hi, how to run multi-line MacroText once time like: /tar XXX /cast Swiftmend /targetlasttarget
  3. WRotation is stuck in icecrown gunship battle raid, not work. not fight. The program UI is clunky. it's too slow and doesn't response. some one can help me with this problem.
  4. how to cast AOE spell like "Death and Decay"? use C-sharp code
  5. why wrobot cause wow ui stuck for seconds and reload all addons when wrobot run on vanilla?this happens often
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