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Posts posted by Grizzler

  1. Trying to create a dungeon profile I ran into some issues although I managed to source some information from the forum and fix it myself, unfortuntely I've ran into a snag, I made a deadmines script, he runs through basically the whole dungeon, opens doors, until he gets to picking up the gunpowder, he picks up the gunpowder(doesnt wait to pick it up sometimes too fast), and also once he moves on to shooting the cannon, he just resets the path all the way back to the start, doesn't continue my path through on to the boat etc, any help is appreciated!

  2. 1 hour ago, pqs said:

    What settings do you have smoothmove on for flying? I tried to get it to work but when it sees a node it flies away from it then stops working.

    SmoothMove is good sometimes, but then other time it acts so retarded you would be better just using the normal bot, I've seen smoothmove do spins and back and fourth running, getting stuck on edges, but the settings I personally use for smoothmove, use keyboard OFF, and everything on and maxed up those are the best setting I could find but as I said they do fuck up now and again

  3. I noticed that when using quester profiles and they choose to go and grind fromlike 20-23, this is when  you should maybe do it yourself and do some dungeons or something if you have the time, I've noticed that if any my bots get banned it's when there grinding and not questing, also they now have a report bot thing that you can fill out on there forum, so even if you bot all the way to 60, if someone recorded you botting at 55 with full proof and GMs just didn't get round to that report yet you could maybe still get a ban!

  4. 34 minutes ago, toodles123 said:

    Would you mind sharing where/how you got caught at those levels? Just for my own curiosity.

    I do agree that it doesn't matter which product you use. A lot of it depends on luck too.

    One account got caught because of bad pathing, another I was just leveling through rotation and doing 30-40 minute grinder runs whilst watching it or doing something close by, he got banned just grinding in desolace, also if you don't use proxys and you get one account banned, they all get banned just a reminder.

  5. 1 hour ago, toodles123 said:


    It's just a compromise: I have little interest learning the things necessary to make a profile and I am very glad that people like Bambo exist in this community. I'm more than happy to pay money to them get a nice product.

    Doesn't always matter which type of product you use, I've used questers on netherwing and still been banned several times getting to level 40 is easy, but once you hit like 50-60 and get banned it feels like such wasted time, recommend doing 4-5 at one time all on proxys

  6. Need someone to take a look at this fight class, using it for party I don't want it to attack at all if possible, he tries to melee, he casts renew over and over again tried to select cast once per player but still doe sit, also doesn't cast power word shield at all if anyone could help me out would be greatly appreciated, could even tip if needed!


    Grizzler Party Healer.xml

    Grizzler Party Healer.xml

  7. 1 hour ago, axelkrantz said:




    Im kinda new to bots, havent used any since Honorbuddy on retail, can anyone lend some tips to me, as im just getting started. Im planning to use it for levling on private TBC servers. Wich profiles are the best atm, etc? Im planning to level a druid and maybe a mage btw.




    Mantenia's profile for the fight classes would be your best bet, and for leveling you have grinders and questers, I'm sure vanilla questers work in tbc up to 60 of course as I personally use one but you may have to skip some things,  here's a few links to the things you're looking for!




  8. 2 hours ago, Lbniese said:

    I'd try with all plugins disabled, since you do have a plugin affecting some of the GoToTown behaviour.

    I'm not sure certain that this plugin is causing the issue, but you might want to try without any plugins -  just to be sure.


    10:36:35 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding repair Grod for next ToTown state!
    10:36:35 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Adding vendor Midsummer Merchant for next ToTown state!
    10:36:35 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Choosing trainer: Matero Zeshuwal with ID: 23535

    Surely there must be a way to fix this those surely removing a paid script will fix it but is there anyway to make it work properly?


  9. So my bot wasn't using flight masters running big distances so I done looking around on the forum somewhere it said delete your file to reset, but now my taxi db list is empty, I've tried being beside flight masters while bot is running, even saw it go to the flight master itself although it doesn't fly nor does it update my taxi db, does anyone have any ideas, I don't have any addons, I have all my taxi settings setup properly

  10. 25 minutes ago, needforkill said:

    Hello, can you please tell me, how i can make bot looting and skinning in fight. for Example i am using only for rotation and party . Problem is in party follow, if player kills very fast mobs and tank always move to agr new mobs , bot ignore looting and skinning, until my party stop fight with mobs, after it bot move to corpse location to loot and skinnig, it's take a lot of time. Already got kicked twice for "afk".

    Will be nice to loot when my party if fighting, so bot loot and back to fight.

    I know HumanMasterPlugin has combat looting, but not sure if you can enable any other way 


  11. 5 hours ago, Matenia said:

    Another thing wRobot does:
    When choosing vendors, it chooses the closest vendor by 3D distance, but it doesn't calculate which PATH is the shortest (for resource reasons, it makes sense).
    So sometimes (often?) wRobot will walk you toa  vendor that it thinks is closest, but you will actually have to navigate mountains to get to it for 20 minutes.

    How can I stop it from selecting any other vendor and select a vendor I would like my bots to visit?

  12. Hey was just wondering if anyone else has issues where you could be grinding in Desolace, your bot will run out of food / need to mail stuff, and he literally runs to Stonetalon to use the mailbox? is this normal and how do I stop it from doing that, for another example.. my bot was leveling in Feralas, he ran from Feralas all the way to A Thousand Needles to use a vendor for food, anyone can help me sort this monstrosity out?

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