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Posts posted by sulsul

  1. o/


    I've got a 3-day license, just to try it out, as I saw there's not much of activity on forums: last activity in guidance forum was in 2017. And impressions are somewhat contradictory. I started new rogue char (on Russian realm), and tried to level it and got following issues:

    - non of question profile works, bot just doesn't start doing any quests at all

    - grinder bot is quite primitive, but I can't get any of FightClasses to work. They don't use primary abilities.

    - tried to create own grinding profile - it works, but not as effective as I can get it. With heirlooms, i get 1 level per ~50 mins, which is slow.

    Overall WRobot looks like a dying project. Am I wrong? Have anyone got any recent leveling success stories to share?


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