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Posts posted by Skoal

  1. Well that says it, im actually making grinders to level my character and when i make them, i always designate the current vendor and mailbox expected to sell and send items, what is fucking anoying is when bags are full, i see my character trying to fly around whole continent to find a fucking vendor...

    I even tested the profile and my character was right next to the designated current NPC vendor, and still, my character is trying to get to the other side of the continent just to sell and send trash..

    I am linking the Profile in question, tell me if u find any issues with it, otherwise nice job Wrobot i always find fucking glytches with this bot, about to just find another program to end this joke.


    Badlands 40-48.xml

  2. Hi, im actually playing on a cata server and it seems something is glytched from them, when you land with a flying mount in a water surface, it seems the mount cant go through, either dismount itself, so that makes the bot keeping to try getting in the water while mounted, its pretty anoying, ive checked for addons so it could auto-dismount while getting in water but nothing  shows, i was wondering if someone had a something to fix this,

    If who ever have had the same issue and found out a way to fix this id like to know.

    There is surely a puggin to do for this , i just dont know how to make it.

    Thanks reading me.

  3. Sorry i checked in the tutorial section how to make a fishing pool profile but this is not valid anymore since i cant see the posted pictures, could anyone post a video of how to make a fishing profile cause i tryed myself but the profile is glytching since it must not be set properly.

    Thank you.

  4. Sorry I'm actually looking to create a new plugin about mass disenchanting stuff in my bags, I looked for all tutorial topics and nothing shows me how to create a simple plugin,

    I need to mention I'm not advanced in this so I few tips for start would be appreciated.

    Thank you

  5. I need an answer I'm still struggling trying to find out how to get this done so;

    When I copy past this link into the C# code in the developement tools , it seems I cant quit the window without saving this modification like I could normally do that on notepad exemple.

    so can you explain how you do that so my character starts mass DE items ? 


  6. On ‎2018‎-‎04‎-‎18 at 9:20 PM, headcrab said:

    This plugin keeps free space in your bags and DE items right after loot. You'll never loot full bags at once. But if you want DE already looted items, simply copy this C# code to developement tools and run it. It will return count of disenchanted items:

    Func<WoWItemQuality, int> disenchant = quality => {
    	int result = 0;
    	foreach (WoWItem item in Bag.GetBagItem()) {
    		if (!Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsEquippableItem(" + item.Entry + ")")) continue;
    		ItemInfo info = item.GetItemInfo;
    		if (info.ItemRarity != (int)quality) continue;
    		Logging.Write("disenchant ["+info.ItemName+"] " + info.ItemRarity);
    		List<int> bagAndSlot = Bag.GetItemContainerBagIdAndSlot(info.ItemName);
    		Lua.LuaDoString("UseContainerItem(" + bagAndSlot[0] + "," + bagAndSlot[1]+")");
    	return result;
    wManager.DevelopmentTools.OutPutCSharp= disenchant(WoWItemQuality.Uncommon);

    If you want DE blue items, replace "Uncommon" to "Rare" in last string

    sounds good, but it seems it doesn't save when I quit the development tools window, what should I do ? Thank you for a fast answer

  7. Actually this bot is fine, but soon as he finds a little error in the new plugins or whatever, I cant properly run Wrobot again, have to delete it, reinstall then run again, I don't know if this issue is similar for you but especially today ive been setting new plugins and profiles and it happened twice

    Exemple; I tested the multipull plugin but that one had an error message so I had to get in the scrypts as someone told in another topic but it still had an error and then wrobot could not properly run again, even if I deleted the plugins.

    If that bug have ever been reported id like to know. thank you 

    when I say it doesn't properly run I mean that Wrobot gets a message saying it not working properly and has to close.

  8. I was wondering if you could mass disenchant all the green and blue stuff in your inventory, cause it seems I need to type all of the items in the milling options if I want them to get disenchanted, in that case that saves me no time

  9. Hi all thanks reading my topic, 

    I had an alliance camping me while I was in automaton mode, happily I was just going to store back in forth so I could afford to bring my main while he was still there and camp his ass at my turn, he finally went to talk to me and told me he wouldn't have got there if I led him alone at first...

    my question is , is the automaton option attacks alliance first ? cause I checked the combat log and it seems he did attack me first, so I was wondering if this prick was shaming me.

    Thank you.


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