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    dalusion reacted to mowron in Holy paladin Fight class   
    I play on a private 3.3.5a server and had the same problem finding a fightclass for a holy paladin.  I ended up hijacking someone else' work and modifying it the best that I could.   The attached should cast Beacon of Light on your party1 (my tank).  It will begin to cast Holy Light at when HP reaches 85% and Flash of Light if HP dips at or below 35%.  It will cleanse "sleep" and will maintain Blessing of Wisdom.  You chose which aura you would like to use.  WRobot: I run this in "Party" mode and in the  product settings i generally run with the "Healer" ON
    I multibox a 5 paladin party and the HolyPally fightclass gets it done, occasionally I will manually heal during difficult encounters.
    Hope this helps
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