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  1. automaton hasn't been mining for me. it prioritizes mobs over gathering which is what it does but it just ignores it and never goes back to it. it was fine before the update but now its not doing shit
  2. ah? seemed like its still moving fine and kill shit. just not gathering and repairing.
  3. bot was working fine the other day, repairing, gathering, and now its doing the complete opposite. what do I do?
  4. has this been fixed yet? i stopped running it, so i am waiting till it's fixed
  5. holy shit. thank you. you're the best, and now what about that path finding server dude.
  6. doesn't make any fucking sense for this cpu usage to be this high, but wtf do I know. I am not some tech dude. like my fucking cpu fans are going crazy and it's pissing me off.
  7. I got to 60 on northdale. but I did a fair amount of questing at the end of it and dungeons. the bot did supplement the lvling tremendously since I was never really around for the 1-45 grinding it did and I let grind sometimes in my 50s. thank for this intense super technical way of making profiles. THIS IS THE TRY HARD WAY AND THE META I BEEN SEEKING O.O. I appreciate the info greatly.
  8. where can I start at? any suggestions? anything would be much appreciated. ok I get it now. I am looking into C# now
  9. yeah. That's exactly what I did when I got tired of questing and didn't want to play.
  10. I managed to get lvl 59, but I babysitted the shit out of it and I even fucking woke up to that loud ass whisper alarm just to make sure someone wasn't getting suspicious of a random grinding mobs that doesn't reply to you when you need help from ganked by alliance or horde
  11. like for example they don't tell you that if you add a target for a profile and then black list it. the bot will still fuck it up or get fucked by it. watching my rogue level is super fucking frustrating and now either I worship lua programming or pay someone to do it for me to make it look better all because they know lua. I basically have to make a new profile which some people say its 10 mins but in reality if you want a nice one you're going to spend a few hrs with no mount making some loops in a huge area(ex. the barrens, ashenvale, and tanaris). searching through the forums is a mess as well. I am not a search engine genius, so I pickup a bunch of random shit posts I don't need and I have sift through it for like an hr or two hoping I find someone else that had the same problem as me and got an answer for it that was actually an answer and not a shit reply that didn't make sense or answer the question at all
  12. doesn't matter some of us are fucking mortals that don't know dick about lua programming, so we cant make what we have better but hope nobody catches us when we decide not to babysit a 3hr+ session
  13. I Know for sure the way to try harding in botting is knowing lua programming and that's the best way to make it somewhat more lifelike and have more features than the base purchase bot you make.
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