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Posts posted by Nosferatuepic

  1. 19 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, if npc zone is not big, you can use normal way to pickup quest (WRobot while wait than NPC is in the zone), else you can try to use quest type "InteractWith" with several hotspots and use macro to pickup quest manually

    this macro is work? "/script AcceptQuest(435) "

  2. 53 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    it is automatic when your character speak with a flightmaster, you can edit taxi database tab "tools", if you want edit taxi database from your profile you need to use C#

    Hmm i speak with undercity taxi and cannot added

  3. 7 hours ago, FNV316 said:

    You have to split the quest up. First part is to kill and loot the NPC. After that has been completed, make a follow path quest to the grave and execute the RunCode step. You might need a custom complete condition for the kill & loot quest like this:

    return Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(1, 6395) || ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(16333) > 0;

    Returns true, if the quest objective has been completed or your bot has Samuel's Remains in his inventory

    wow, awesome. Big thanks!

  4. 5 hours ago, eeny said:

    Secondly- the file has empty quests in it. 

    When the bot loads a quester It checks all the quest's, this file has two empty "<none>" quests which are causing the namespace issue.  remove them and it loads fine.


    Thank you! Maybe you know too how i do part 2? (quest with same name)

  5. Help me pls, i create a Quester profile, and at one stage I had an error, I can not determine which type it will fix. I tried to remove the latest news - it did not help ?

    I do not know why the error is in Russian, because of this I can not determine the problem. Translated roughly like "Could not find the name of the type or namespace (omitted directive using or reference to the assembly?)

    Maybe you'll help me find the cause of the error, or tell me where to look for it. I'm new to writing profiles, so do not be angry with my mistakes. Thank you in advance

    P.S Sry for terrible english, my quest profile in files



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